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Results 14,701-14,720 of 18,856 (Search time: 0.017 seconds).

농촌지역 보건복지 행정체계 혁신조사 연구
  • 김수봉;
  • 최보라;
  • 최은아

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006

Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategies in Korea
  • 김용문;
  • 이상영

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006

저출산 고령화 사회에 대비한 국가전략
  • 김용문;
  • 정경희;
  • 이삼식

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006

선진형 사회안전망의 확충
  • 김안나

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006

국민연금의 오늘과 내일
  • 김용문;
  • 이상영

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006

더불어 사는 미래를 향한 선진국형 사회안전망 구축방안
  • 김안나

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006

캐나다의 장기요양정책(Long-term Care Policy for The Elderly in Canada)
  • 권순만

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006

2006년 빈곤포럼 Ⅰ

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006

2006년 빈곤포럼 Ⅱ

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006

Living Profiles of Older Persons and Social Policies on Ageing in Korea
  • Kyunghee Chung

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006

Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy - In Light of South Korea's Experience and Learning -
  • Yong-Moon Kim;
  • Mee-Gon Kim;
  • Eugene Yeo

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006

국내외 기업 및 지역사회의 가족친화정책 사례연구
  • 김미숙;
  • 김효진;
  • 홍미

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006

2005년 핀란드 연금개혁과 시사점

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006-01-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2006.1 No.111, pp.98-111

Burden of the Costs of Children and Policies Influencing Low Fertility Rates

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006-01-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2006.1 No.111, pp.33-49

영국의 고용연령차별금지법에 관한 小考
  • 강유구

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006-01-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2006.1 No.111, pp.92-97

The Role of Social Insurance under the Low Fertility Society
  • 최병호

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006-01-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2006.1 No.111, pp.63-76

Policy Suggestions for reducing the Pregnancy Wastages
  • 황나미

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006-01-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2006.1 No.111, pp.50-62

저출산 원인과 정부의 정책방향
  • 최경수

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006-01-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2006.1 No.111, pp.2-3

저출산 원인과 정부 대처
  • 황정욱

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006-01-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2006.1 No.111, pp.77-78

2006년도 기본연구과제
  • 편집부

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2006-01-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2006.1 No.111, pp.112-122
