Comprehensive research is available by setting the scope of research, sorting criteria, and order in the search specifications. Users can view search results by keyword, author, publication date, journal name, publisher, and source type using the faceted navigation system.
It provides information on all research articles published from 1970, the year KIHASA was established, to the present. Users can access the source files related to outsourced research projects (policy reports) and articles published in academic journals other than those published by KIHASA by clicking the links to them. Please contact the project outsourcer or publisher for any inquiry related to inaccessible source files.
Information is available on the research activities of all researchers at KIHASA in the position of associate research fellow and above. The list of researchers is available by name (in alphabetical order), KIHASA Classification by Theme, department, and research interest.
With the KCI data, users have access to the latest research trends related to the projects they undertake, keyword analysis of journals, and information on the latest journal trends. The archive selects journals closely related to the topics that KIHASA undertakes among KCI-indexed journals and provides relevant information.
  • Research trends related to projects: Users can get information on KCI theses related to basic and general projects undertaken by KIHASA.
  • Keyword analysis of journals: The archive analyzes the keywords of articles in KCI-indexed journals by area and year to generate keyword clouds. The keywords include business administration, economics, international/regional development, general social sciences, social welfare, sociology, policy studies, political science and diplomacy, family medicine, nursing, other medicine, preventive medicine, and psychiatry.
  • Information on latest journal trends: The archive gives users access to recently published articles by screening journals closely related to the research projects KIHASA undertakes from among KCI-indexed journals.