
Opened in 1970, the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA) is dedicated to conducting demographic and socioeconomic research and analysis and developing and supporting social policy and social security systems toward improving public health and welfare and thus contributing to the creation of a safe and happy society.

Research@KIHASA is an institutional repository based on the open access repository operated by KIHASA. It was launched in 2010 to preserve the digitalized outcomes of the research conducted by KIHASA and its staff and share the data with others at home and abroad.

Research@KIHASA allows users to access information on all research articles that have been published since the establishment of KIHASA and the research activities of all KIHASA researchers. Especially, the “KIHASA Subject Classification” which was developed in 2022, makes it even more convenient for users to retrieve research papers written by KIHASA researchers and readily search for experts on each theme.

All articles registered with Research@KIHASA are indexed by Google and accessible from anywhere in the world. Also, each research outcome is given a permanent URL for long-term preservation.

Research@KIHASA consists of three menu items: Publications, Researchers, and Research Trends. “Publications” provides detailed information on research reports, theses, and academic presentations as well as manuscript source files with links, enabling users to access source files related to outsourced research projects (policy reports) and articles published in academic journals other than the ones published by KIHASA by clicking the links to them. “Researchers” provides detailed information on the research activities of all researchers at KIHASA in the position of associate research fellow and above, including their research performances, areas of interest, KIHASA Classification by Theme, research keywords, co-authorship network, and Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID). “Research Trends” offers glimpses of the latest research and scholarly publishing trends in the health and social welfare areas using the Korea Citation Index (KCI) data.