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우리나라의 國民年金制度와 勞動供給 間의 關係

國立社會福祉硏修院 保健福祉部, 1998-12-31, 社會福祉硏究論文集, no. 2, pp. 157 - 173

지속가능한 사회발전과 복지정책
  • 조흥식

아태평화재단, 1998-12-30, 평화논총, vol. 2, no. 1

Formulation of Pragmatic Partnership between State and Private Sectors in Social Welfare for Unemployed People
  • 조흥식

서울大學校社會科學硏究院, 1998-12-01, 한국사회과학, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 49 - 77

Analysis on Induced Abortion Behavior Based on Sex Composition of Children
  • 이삼식

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 1998-12-01, Health and Social Welfare Review Vol.18 No.2, pp.83-105

Estimation of the Risk Aversion Coefficient Utilizing GMM(Generalized Method of Moments) - Implications of the National Pension Scheme

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 1998-12-01, Health and Social Welfare Review Vol.18 No.2, pp.35-53

Problem Issues of Single-parent male-headed Families and Its Policy Measures
  • 이상헌

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 1998-12-01, Health and Social Welfare Review Vol.18 No.2, pp.106-135

Study on the Introduction of Prospective Payment System based on DRG classification
  • 최병호

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 1998-12-01, Health and Social Welfare Review Vol.18 No.2, pp.54-82

Racial and Gender Differences in Income Before and After Retirement in the U.S.
  • 김미숙

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 1998-12-01, Health and Social Welfare Review Vol.18 No.2, pp.3-34

국민연금 기금운용 평가 및 효율적 운용방안

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 1998-12-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 1998.12 No.27, pp.54-66

보육서비스 재정에 관한 평가
  • 이상헌

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 1998-12-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 1998.12 No.27, pp.14-26

화장문화 정착방안
  • 배화옥;
  • 이필도

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 1998-12-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 1998.12 No.27, pp.67-74

An Analysis of Income-Related Equity in Health Services Utilization in Korea
  • Oh, Youngho

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 1998-12-01, Health and Social Welfare Review Vol.18 No.2, pp.136-160

영유아보육법·제도 평가
  • 변용찬

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 1998-12-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 1998.12 No.27, pp.5-13

보육인력의 수급 및 전문성에 대한 평가: 시설 및 보육교사를 중심으로
  • 표갑수

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 1998-12-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 1998.12 No.27, pp.39-53

보육서비스 전달체계 평가
  • 서문희

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 1998-12-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 1998.12 No.27, pp.27-38

  • 편집부

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 1998-12-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 1998.12 No.27, pp.75-83

보육서비스 개선을 위한 정책과제
  • 최선정

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 1998-12-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 1998.12 No.27, pp.2-3

IBRD는 우리에게 무엇을 요구하는가?

참여연대 사회복지위원회, 1998-11-10, 복지동향, no. 2, pp. 33 - 37

아동·청소년: 아동복지법이 바뀐다

참여연대 사회복지위원회, 1998-11-10, 복지동향, no. 2, pp. 51 - 53

1999년도 사회복지예산은?

참여연대 사회복지위원회, 1998-11-10, 복지동향, no. 2, pp. 25 - 29
