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가정보육시설의 현황과 제도 개선방안
  • 서문희

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-08-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2000.8 No.46, pp.63-72

장애범주 확대에 따른 정신보건정책
  • 서동우

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-08-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2000.8 No.46, pp.5-15

1995년도 장애로 인한 의료비 추계
  • 백화종

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-08-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2000.8 No.46, pp.39-48

2000년 장애인실태조사의 내용과 정책제언
  • 변용찬

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-08-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2000.8 No.46, pp.16-26

장애인복지의 소득계층별 형평성: 간접적 소득보장의 분석을 중심으로
  • 이선우

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-08-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2000.8 No.46, pp.27-38

공적연금과 사적연금의 균형적 발전을 위한 정책방안

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-08-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2000.8 No.46, pp.49-62

  • 편집부

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-08-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2000.8 No.46, pp.83-88

미국의 저소득층 대상 의료보장제도
  • 홍석표

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-08-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2000.8 No.46, pp.89-97

장애인복지의 당면과제
  • 배연창

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-08-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2000.8 No.46, pp.2-3

The Influence of the Financial Crisis on the Child Abuse in Low Income Families

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-07-01, Health and Social Welfare Review Vol.20 No.1, pp.64-85

Evaluation and Direction of Reforms in the National Pension Fund Management

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-07-01, Health and Social Welfare Review Vol.20 No.1, pp.86-112

Developing a National-based Policy for Increasing Imported Food Safety
  • 정기혜

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-07-01, Health and Social Welfare Review Vol.20 No.1, pp.113-141

국민건강보험 재정안정화 방안

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-07-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2000.6·7 No.45, pp.21-31

생활기능장애노인의 재활서비스정책 현황과 과제

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-07-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2000.6·7 No.45, pp.69-76

A Study on the Factors Influencing Church Social Welfare Activities
  • 김미숙

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-07-01, Health and Social Welfare Review Vol.20 No.1, pp.32-63

Estimating Net Social Benefit of the Community Care Services for the Elderly
  • 원종욱

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-07-01, Health and Social Welfare Review Vol.20 No.1, pp.3-31

Agent Orange: Long-term Policy Options in the Republic of Korea
  • 백환기

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-07-01, Health and Social Welfare Review Vol.20 No.1, pp.142-177

국민건강보험 출범의 의미와 정책과제
  • 이상용

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-07-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2000.6·7 No.45, pp.5-10

국민연금의 적정소득대체율 분석
  • 원종욱

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-07-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2000.6·7 No.45, pp.32-42

조세 및 소득이전이 분배 및 빈곤율에 미치는 영향

Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs, 2000-07-01, Health and Welfare Policy Forum 2000.6·7 No.45, pp.43-54
