
Tasks for Future Health and Welfare Policy

Tasks for Future Health and Welfare Policy

신영석강신욱강혜규고경환 ; 김미곤 ; 이삼식 ; 이상영 ; 윤석명 ; 정영호 ; 장영식 ; 정홍원고숙자김동진김문길윤강재이윤경황도경강지원이지혜 ; 전지현 ; 이정은

복지정책 성과 ; 신정부 복지정책 추진방향
Publication Year
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
The future of welfare state has been a topic of discussion and argument in Korea recently. Issues range from education to employment, from healthcare to housing, from welfare rates to pensions to provision for people with disability. Some have claimed it cannot survive because the population is aging. Others have argued that globalization will undermine it in due course. Recent economic recession have added to the questions faced by the welfare state.
Is this right that Korea has to be welfare states? We are going to welfare states, really? Can the Korea’s welfare states be sustainable? What are the major challenges faced by Korea’s welfare state at this time? What impact does the welfare state have on reducing poverty? Can the necessary funding be provided? If Korea’s welfare state is to survive how should it adjust to the changing economic situation? What are the implications of demographic developments? Can the nation state continue to be the basis for this kind of development model?
In these economically turbulent times it is essential to focus on the shape of the society we wish to see emerge. People want to protect the vulnerable, secure the national standard livelihood, give the same start-line to all, and reduce the financial burden of education, health, housing, etc. Therefore we need to talk to the new government concerning the future Korea’s welfare state vision, targets, aims, and tasks.
The present paper consist of 4 chapters. First chapter describes this paper’s aim, method, contents. Second chapter describes the challenges of economic status and social condition in Korea. We ought to analyze Korea’s condition in the past, present, and future. That results have some implication future welfare state considered. Third chapter analyze the survey how level the Korea’s welfare performed and recognized. The results show most Korean feels “satisfies” about welfare policy performed and they need to secure employment, education, their old age life. Fourth chapter show the vision, aims, tasks for future welfare policies. Theses show 4 categories, 10 tasks, 40 items. Each item consist of condition, diagnosis, abroad case study, and road map. We want for you to understand the Korea’s future welfare vision, aims, policies, tasks, and items.
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적
제2절 주요 연구 내용
제3절 연구 방법
제4절 기대 효과
제2장 보건복지 정책 환경의 변화
제1절 재정여건 변화
제2절 인구구조 변화
제3절 사회 환경 변화
제4절 노동시장 변화
제3장 대국민 복지욕구 및 의식조사
제1절 보건복지정책 일반
제2절 노인정책
제3절 보육정책
제4절 보건의료정책
제5절 빈곤정책
제4장 보건복지정책 성과평가 및 향후과제
제1절 향후 보건복지정책의 비전, 방향, 전략, 기대효과
제2절 보건부분
제3절 복지부문
제4절 저출산∙고령사회부문
제5절 사회복지재정∙통계부문
Local ID
Research Monographs 2012-62
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
General social security > Social security planning
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