
Study on the Food Hygiene Management in Korean Restaurant in Response to Climate Change

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dc.description.abstract○ 식품접객업소의 식품안전사고 및 위생관리 현황과 기존의 위생관리 지침 및 매뉴얼 등을 분석하여 개선방안을 제시 ○ 연구내용 1) 국내외 현황 파악 - 식품 관련 기후 환경변화 동향 분석 - 식품접객업소의 식품안전사고 현황 분석: 생물학적, 화학적, 물리적 요인 분석 - 식중독 발생 모니터링 자료 분석: 발생원인체, 발생계절, 발생장소 등 - 기후변화에 따른 식품접객업소의 원인별 식품안전사고 동향 분석 - 식품접객업소의 식품위생관리 현황 분석: 위생교육 지침 및 교재 분석 - 해외사례조사 : 독일과 일본의 기후변화 대응 정책 2) 기후변화 대응 식품접객업소의 위생관리 현황, 인식 및 개선방안 조사·분석 - 식품접객업소 대상: 일반음식점 현장평가 및 영업주 인식 조사 3) 기후변화 대응 식품접객업소의 위생관리 방안 도출 - 저장온도, 습도관리 교차오염 등 취약점 및 중점관리 방안 제시 - 식재료, 현장관리, 공정관리 등 세부단계별 관리방안 마련 - 기후변화에 따른 식품접객업소의 식품안전사고 위험요인별 조치사항 제안 4) 기후변화에 따른 식품접객업소의 식중독 발생 제어를 위한 위생관리 방안 마련 - HACCP 등 기존 위생관리시스템의 효율적인 도입 방안 제언 - 한식, 일식, 양식, 중식, 기타 등 식품업종별 중점관리 방안 제언
dc.description.abstractDespite domestic dining-out rate growth, operating practices and circumstances in food service industry remain less desirable. This is true in that most of the relevant businesses are performed by work-to-live self-proprietors. Besides, according to yearly food poisoning statistics by Korean Food and Drugs Administration, food poisoning incidents rates in food service industry is continuously increasing. Strengthening of hygiene management in this regard is deemed necessary. Moreover, level of hygiene in food service industry is predicted to be exacerbated due to climate change, thus, signals potential mass proliferation of food poisoning. This study aims at preventing risks of mass proliferation in food poisoning induced by climate change. The research, thus, analyzed recent food safety-related accidents and hygiene practices in food service industry. We also analyzed available guidelines and manuals of this regard and presented suggestions for better management. Following methods were applied for the study; to reflect theoretical perspectives, we went through literature review concerning hygiene management in food service establishments as a response to climate change. International seminars and consultations were held to reflect ideas and suggestions from academic circle. From practical point of view, we conducted interviews and surveys on those actually operating relevant businesses to portray actual hygiene level of the establishments and reflect challenges and drawbacks concerning stakeholder's perception and practice in this context. We could draw out following major factors from the survey; practician's perception and practices on hygiene management(medical check-up / hygiene behavior / education and training on hygiene practice), on-the-job hygiene management (prevention against cross-contamination/ proper treatment of high-risk food/ temperature management of refrigeration and freezer), hygiene management of equipment(equipment for cleaning and disinfection/ equipment for disinfection, sterilization and drying/ examination of thermometer) While the business owners' perception level on climate change was high, owner's practicing level was low due to insufficient refrigerating facilities and inadequate management capabilities. Business participants' behaviour change is urgent and utmost important in terms of temperature and timing control, food-specific refrigeration procedure and after-cooking preservation. Intensive risk factor management should be carried out in cuisine(Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and Western) context manner. For example, tableware hygiene and storage of high-risk food for Korean cuisine; pre-treatment of raw ingredients, hygiene condition and medical checkup for Chinese cuisine practicians; disinfection, sterilization and pre-treated food storage for Japanese cuisine; and practician’s hygiene and the storage of high-risk food for Western cuisine should be managed intensively. Furthermore, time and temperature management is crucial to minimize microbe proliferation in restaurants. Through and regular training in this regard to induce practician's hygiene perception and practice is deemed necessary. Hygiene management in food service establishments as a response to climate change can be practiced on field by initiating following efforts. Government sector should notify food hygiene alert such as food poisoning index in case of climate-change induced temperature increase or occurrence of abnormal weather condition. Relevant information and techniques should be delivered to stakeholder on field. Education and training concerning prediction and prevention is also crucial. Business owners, meanwhile, should prepare their own hygiene management guidelines corresponding to the climate change and appropriate for their own business circumstances and share them with their employees to boost up practician's hygiene management and practices.
dc.description.tableOfContentsAbstract 요약 제1장 서론 제1절 연구개요 제2절 기후변화와 식품안전 제3절 식품접객업 동향 제2장 국내현황 제1절 식품접객업의 위생관리현황 제2절 식품접객업의 지침 및 교재 분석 제3절 기후변화 관련 위험발생 제어를 위한 시사점 제3장 국외현황 제1절 유럽연합 및 독일 제2절 미국 제3절 일본 제4장 기후변화 대응 식품접객업소의 위생관리 방안 제1절 식품접객업 조사결과 제2절 국제심포지엄 결과보고 제3절 기후변화 관련 위험발생 제어를 위한 위생관리 방안 제5장 결론 및 정책제언 제1절 결론 제2절 정책제언 참고문헌
dc.publisherKorea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Korea (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR)
dc.rightsKOGL BY-NC-ND
dc.title기후변화 대응을 위한 식품접객업소의 위생관리 개선 방안
dc.title.alternativeStudy on the Food Hygiene Management in Korean Restaurant in Response to Climate Change
dc.identifier.localId연구보고서 2012-50-2
dc.identifier.localIdResearch Monographs 2012-50-2
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
Health care > Future disease risks
Health care > Food/Drugs
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