
Health Impact Assessment in Asia-pacific and European Region

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dc.description.abstract⧠ 아시아태평양 및 유럽지역의 건강영향평가 법제도의 추진동향을 분석하고, 관련전문가 및 관계자의 역량을 강화 ○ 환경보건포럼 산하의 TWG활동 추진 ○ 건강영향평가 영문웹사이트 구축
dc.description.abstractHealth Impact Assessment (HIA) is a new emerging tool that measures the positive and negative health effects of prospective policies, programs and projects. Determinants of health such as biological factors, socio-economic factors, environmental factors, and individual life style are fully considered in HIA process. These determinants of health greatly influence a population’s health, especially in vulnerable populations, which ultimately impact society as a whole. In consequence, HIA considers all determinants of health and is therefore able to identify any hidden potential health effects, both positive and negative from the prospective project. If decision makers consider these potential health effects when they plan for any prospective projects, it will bring extensive progress in the population’s health. Throughout the decades, the field of HIA has improved in many ways with European countries being pioneers to this process. Consequently, efforts have expanded to other parts of the world including North America, Asia and Australia to figure out HIA’s best application in the respective regions. HIA professionals have tried to apply HIA in various fields across different sectors. Regardless of all these efforts, advances in research and development are needed. To date there are not many researches that examine the current trends in HIA research. The purpose of this study is to examine the current trend in HIA research and support international network for HIA capacity building. This study incorporated activities of the Thematic Working Group on HIA under the Regional Environment and Health forum of the South-East and East Asian countries, which is supported by the World Health Organization Western Pacific Office and the United Nations Environment Programme. This study also incorporated the 4th Asia-Pacific HIA conference in Seoul. The study will provide scientific evidence based reference to many HIA practitioners and researchers. Research methods include systematically reviewing various journal databases search engines to identify the most recent HIA research articles from January, 2008 to June, 2012 published in Europe US, Australia, Asia, Canada and other countries. As a result, 148 research articles including peer-reviewed journals, policy reports, dissertation papers, commentaries, book reviews, debate and letters to editors are found from 14 different data bases and 78 journals. Of those selected articles, Europe has the most number of articles published, then US, Australia, and Canada, respectively. The number of articles published from 2009 to 2012 has increased over years. Of the selected articles, the most emphasized research focuses on the environment. Then, the next most emphasized focuses are HIA capacity building, HIA method, HIA policy development, HIA evaluation, city development and housing and health and social welfare, respectively. Other focus areas that were emphasized are health equity, transportation, agriculture, nutrition and food safety and general public policy. The field of HIA research should continue to improve. More varied approaches are needed such as evidence-based approach and improving quantification of changes in the social determinants of health. Various topics for case study research are needed, instead of focusing mainly on environment.
dc.description.tableOfContentsAbstract 요 약 제1장 서론 제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 제2절 연구의 개요 및 기대효과 제2장 건강영향평가의 연구동향고찰 제1절 건강영향평가의 개념고찰 제2절 외국의 건강영향평가 연구 제3절 국내 건강영향평가 연구 제4절 소결 제3장 건강영향평가 영문웹사이트 구축 제1절 건강영향평가영문웹사이트 구축개요 제2절 HIA영문웹사이트 구축 결과 제4장 아시아태평양 건강영향평가 국제학술대회 제1절 제4차 건강영향평가 국제학술대회의 개요 제2절 건강영향평가 TWG 회의의 개요 제5장 결론 및 정책제언 제1절 결론 제2절 제언 참고문헌 부 록
dc.publisherKorea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Korea (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR)
dc.rightsKOGL BY-NC-ND
dc.title아태지역 및 유럽지역의 건강영향평가동향 및 정책과제
dc.title.alternativeHealth Impact Assessment in Asia-pacific and European Region
dc.subject.keywordhealth impact assessment
dc.subject.keywordAsia-Pacific and European region
dc.identifier.localId연구보고서 2012-49-3
dc.identifier.localIdResearch Monographs 2012-49-3
dc.subject.kihasa건강친화적 환경
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
General social security > International social security
Health care > Health promotion
Health care > Health-friendly environment
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