
Ageing policy in the developed countries: centered on active ageing policy in EU countries

Ageing policy in the developed countries: centered on active ageing policy in EU countries

선우덕 ; 김세진 ; 모선희

active ageing ; employment ; community participation ; healthy ageing
Publication Year
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
- 선진국가들의 고령화정책을 각 사회보장제도별로 검토, 분석하기 보다는 사회보장재정의 압박을 완화시키기 위한 간접적인 정책으로 활기찬 노후(active ageing)방안을 유도하여 사회보장 재정수입에 기여하고, 또한 재정지출을 효율적으로 지출할 수 있도록 도모하고 있다는 입장에서 일부 EU국가의 활기찬 노후정책을 중심으로 정리하여 시사점을 도출
- 2012년도가 유럽국가들에 있어서는 2002년도 스페인 마드리드에서 유엔에 의한 국제고령화행동계획(MIPPA)이 채택된 이후 10주년이 되는 해로써 EU에서 그 평가를 실시하고 있기 때문에 선험국가들의 고령화대책 검토

This report was written to make a suggestion of lessons from experiences of EU countries through 'active ageing' challenges. In general, in the case of the deepening population ageing countries, by the increase in number of elderly people they are confronted with unstability of social security finances, and therefore continue their efforts to get financial stabilization through 'active ageing' policies.
Contents of study are related to employment, community participation and health ageing. Firstly, the employment rate of elderly people is high generally, although there are differences in each EU country, and legal retirement age is similar to pension age. Employment of elderly people doesn't makes them maintain only active lives, but also contribute to reinforcements of labour force and economic growth. Secondly, EU countries look for their active lives through the community participation of elderly people. Especially, the sphere of their activities contains a wide variety from leisure and cultural activities to positive citizenship and social networks participation. Besides, EU countries associate the community participation of elderly people with the inducement of generational solidarity. The considerable number of projects associated with social participation for elderly people receive financial support from European Commission and their projects are being carried out as a way of alliance between each organization or nation. Finally, 'Active ageing' leads to healthy ageing of elderly people. Healthy ageing contributes to maintain and improve physical, mental and social functional abilities. Many of EU countries implement health promotion programs like a walking as a health ageing strategy.
From now, in Korea the various strategies included in philosophy of 'active ageing' should be developed, expanded and improved in aspects of elderly's employment, social participation and health promotion programs.
Table Of Contents
요 약
제1장 서론
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적
제2절 연구의 주요내용
제2장 활기찬 노후(active ageing) 정책의 의의
제1절 활기찬 노후(active ageing)의 개념정의
제2절 활기찬 노후(active ageing)정책의 수립배경
제3절 유럽국가의 활기찬 노후(active ageing)정책의 수립배경
제3장 유럽국가의 활기찬 노후정책의 실태와 분석
제1절 고용부문의 활기찬 노후정책
제2절 지역사회참여부문의 활기찬 노후정책
제3절 건강노화부문의 활기찬 노후정책
제4장 유럽국가의 활기찬 노후정책으로부터의 시사점
제1절 고용부문의 활기찬 노후로부터의 시사점
제2절 지역사회참여부문의 활기찬 노후로부터의 시사점
제3절 건강노화부문의 활기찬 노후로부터의 시사점
제5장 결론
Local ID
Research Monographs 2012-47-23
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
General social security > International social security
Population and family > Responses to population aging
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