
Intergovernmental Fiscal Relationship for Financing Social Expenditure

Intergovernmental Fiscal Relationship for Financing Social Expenditure

최성은 ; 신혜란 ; 한창완 ; 강지원 ; 이기주

중앙-지방 복지재정 분담 ; 지방정부 유형별 복지재정 특징
Publication Year
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
The study examines social expenditure and revenue structure of local governments by local government type and the problems in intergovernmental relationship of central government and local governments, giving policy suggestions for solving issues regarding intergovernmental financial conflict with respect to social expenditure. The locus of this study is on all 233 local governments from 2004 to 2010, and the focus is on the whole grant-in-aids of social welfare services. The result of the analysis of inequality degree in the matching burdens of local governments in social welfare service charges shows three aspects. Along with the improvement of these institutional aspect, intergovernmental fiscal relationship for financing social expenditure of central government and local government need to strengthen of earmarking in large category and to buffer the earmarking into individual business through comprehensive subsidies in social service. First, central government need to increase subsidies for programs which is considered as central government's responsibilities by national minimum standard, such as National Basic Livelihood Programs, and Child-care Subsidies except childcare services. This can be achieved by lowering matching rates for the local government and improving the differential rates of subsidy. Second, Differentiation strategy in municipalities is needed. Counties need to finance sharing through the general accounting and Borough that high proportion of social expenditure need to finance sharing differential applications by strengthening. Third, Local business depending on the nature of the local area need to introduce the comprehensive aids to strengthen local government’s discretionary power to operate with autonomy and diversity.
Table Of Contents
요 약
제1장 서론
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적
제2절 연구 내용 및 방법
제2장 지방복지재정의 특징과 지방재정부담의 증가요인
제1절 지방복지재정의 특징
제2절 지자체 복지재정 부담 증가요인
제3장 기존문헌 연구
제1절 이론적 배경
제2절 중앙과 지방의 복지재원분담에 관한 기존문헌 연구
제4장 지자체 유형별 복지재정의 특징
제1절 지자체 유형별 복지지출
제2절 지자체 유형별 세입구조
제3절 지자체 유형별 재정자립도
제4절 지자체 유형별 복지대상자수와 대상자비중
제5장 외국의 중앙과 지방의 복지재원 분담 사례
제1절 일본
제2절 영국
제6장 보건복지부문 지방재정 부담 해소 방안
제1절 국고보조사업 국고보조율 재조정
제2절 차등보조율제도의 개선
제3절 분권교부세 일몰 이후의 재원분담 방안과 포괄보조금 도입
제7장 결론 및 정책제언
Local ID
Research Monographs 2012-22
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
General social security > Social security financing
General social security > Regional social security
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