
Survey on Dietary Behaviors and Needs for Nutrition Services, and Developing Contents of Nutrition Education for Female Immigrants in Multi-cultural Families in Korea

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dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to examine dietary behaviors to assess the needs for nutrition services, and to develop contents of nutrition education for female immigrants in multi-cultural families in Korea. 576 subjects, all marriage-based immigrant women, were surveyed through public health centers and multi-cultural family support centers, with the aim of understanding their dietary conditions and the needs for nutrition services. The result showed that most of the immigrant women experienced changes in their diet after immigrating to Korea and adopted the dietary habits focused on Korean cuisine of their husbands and mother-in-laws. The chances to eat food from their country of origin are rare. In multi-cultural families, the division of roles among family members on who prepares the meals, who buys groceries and who decides on the menu differed depending on the length of the immigrant women’s residence in Korea, and on the family type - whether the couple lives with the husband’s parents. There were several problematic issues in the subjects' diet and eating habits; skipping meals, unbalanced diet (eating only what they prefer), having snacks between meals, and excessive intake of instant food. When assessed on nutrition-related knowledge, the subjects showed low level of knowledge in the topics such as instant food, healthy body weight, balanced diet and snack selection. When tested on their food intake status through Mini Dietary Assessment, the subjects scored low on regular intake of meals, balanced diet and frequent intake of deep-fried foods and snacks. In terms of underweight and obesity prevalence (self-reported by the subjects), 12.9% were underweight, 9.1% overweight, 1.1% obese, 76.9% normal. The proportion of underweight was especially high in Vietnamese women compared to other groups. Especially, the immigrant women reported a significantly high demand for nutrition guidance, notably weaning diet of infants and children's snacks. Nutritionists in charge of Nutrition Plus Program in public health center pointed out that marriage-based immigrant women have dietary problems such as: cultural differences in food and eating habits, insufficient knowledge and cooking skills concerning unfamiliar ingredients, preference for processed or instant food, irregular diet and unsanitary diet habits. Concerning the children's diet, nutritionists indicated that the immigrant women showed lack of knowledge in proper phase to start weaning food and the cooking method, how to choose snacks for children. Additionally, those women had low ability to acquire food-related information. It is recommended that there should be education and training opportunities for members of multi-cultural families including the husbands and the mothers-in-law, as well as program managers for better understanding of other country's food culture and cultural diversity. Nutritionists in charge of Nutrition Plus Program selected the priority issues for developing nutrition education contents. ‘Understanding and preparing baby food’, 'Food sanitation and food storage methods', 'food categories and groceries mainly used in Korean cooking', 'understanding Korean diet', 'cooking Korean cuisine and preparing meals for the family' were selected as education contents with priority. In the second part of this study, contents of maternal and child health (MCH) nutrition for multi-cultural family was developed, based on the results of the survey and opinions from experts and nutritionists in the field. The principles for developing educational materials were as follows; organize the materials in a simple and easy-to-read (watch) manner; utilize various illustrations, icons and photographs; provide cooking skills which are easy to apply at home; develop materials in the form of illustrations, photographs, video clips, DVD's and food models. Through this study, 3 types of service contents were developed to address MCH nutritional education targeting marriage-based immigrant women in multi-cultural families. - 『A guide for marriage-based immigrant women to understand Korean diet』: How to prepare family meals, choose ingredients, do grocery shopping and store food etc. - 『Baby food guide for multi-cultural families: mommy's love is baby's nutrition!』 - 『A guide to understand marriage-based immigrant women's native food (Vietnam, the Philippines, China)』 In order to provide nutrition-related services for multi-cultural families, it is recommended that existing services for those families and supporting programs such as Nutrition Plus Program, home-visit health program, reproductive health promotion pilot program at public health centers and other organizations should be strengthened and networked more efficiently, rather than launching another channel of services. Follow-up study is necessary to design more concrete contents, and more projects must be carried out in order to develop educational materials in multiple languages to match the needs of marriage-based immigrant women from different countries, using terms suitable for their level of understanding. This study provides baseline statistics on the diet, nutritional status and related demands of multi-cultural families in Korea. And the results are expected to be used as the references when designing policies targeting multi-cultural families as a part of national nutrition plans and Health Plan 2020. Also, the contents developed in this study for nutrition of mothers and children in multi-cultural families will be utilized in implementing programs such as the Nutrition Plus Program and other related ones.
dc.description.tableOfContents요약 3 Abstract 10 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구 배경 및 목적 3 제2절 연구방법 9 제2장 다문화가족의 영양과 식생활 선행연구 및 관련 사업 현황 15 제1절 다문화가족의 현황 17 제2절 다문화가족 결혼이주여성의 영양과 식생활 선행연구 20 제3절 다문화가족의 영양과 식생활 관련 사업 현황 26 제3장 다문화가족 결혼이주여성과 자녀의 영양, 식생활 현황 및 요구도 43 제1절 인구학적 특성 45 제2절 사회경제적 특성 51 제3절 식생활 양상 55 제4절 건강과 영양상태 72 제5절 식생활?영양 서비스 이용 경험 및 요구도 76 제6절 자녀의 이유식과 간식 제공 양상 및 요구도 84 제7절 건강 및 식생활?영양에 대한 정보원과 이용 경험 89 제4장 국내 이주자 코호트 연구를 통한 결혼이주 여성의 건강과 영양 문제 95 제1절 결혼이민 여성의 신체 측정 및 비만도 97 제2절 결혼이민 여성의 영양상태 102 제3절 다문화가족 자녀의 건강영양 상태 114 제5장 다문화가족 영양서비스 요구 및 자료개발 방향: 담당자 의견 117 제1절 조사 개요 119 제2절 다문화가족 이주여성과 자녀의 식생활 문제점 진단 120 제3절 다문화가족의 영양?식생활 교육 컨텐츠 우선순위 도출 127 제4절 다문화가족의 영양?식생활 교육 자료개발 방향 129 제6장 다문화가족 영양관리 지원을 위한 모자영양 컨텐츠 개발 135 제1절 다문화가족을 위한 모자영양관리 컨텐츠 개발 방향 137 제2절 『결혼이주여성을 위한 한국식생활의 이해』 140 제3절 다문화가정을 위한 이유식 가이드 169 제4절 국제결혼 이민자 국가의 식생활 문화 185 제7장 다문화가족 영양관리 제공방안 199 제1절 다문화가족 영양서비스 제공 기본방향 201 제2절 관련 서비스 연계를 통한 다문화가족 영양서비스 제공 203 제8장 결 론 213 제1절 연구목표의 달성도 및 연구의 제한점 215 제2절 연구의 활용계획 217 참고문헌 218
dc.title다문화가족의 영양서비스 요구파악을 통한 모자영향관리 컨텐츠 및 제공방안 개발
dc.title.alternativeSurvey on Dietary Behaviors and Needs for Nutrition Services, and Developing Contents of Nutrition Education for Female Immigrants in Multi-cultural Families in Korea
dc.subject.keyword다문화가족의 영향서비스
dc.subject.keyword모자영향관리 컨텐츠
dc.identifier.localId정책보고서 2011-67
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
Health care > Food/Drugs
Population and family > Family changes
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