
Comparison of Child Case Management Systems in the United Kingdom, United States and New Zealand

Comparison of Child Case Management Systems in the United Kingdom, United States and New Zealand

김미숙 ; 우국희 ; 양소남 ; 이주연 ; 이정현

선진국의 아동사례관리체계 ; 비교연구
Publication Year
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
◈ 우리나라 아동 사례관리체계 분석
◈ 국가별 아동 사례관리체계 분석
◈ 아동 사례관리제도 구축방안 개발

This study examines the child case management systems of three developed countries, including the United Kingdom, the United States and New Zealand. The welfare delivery system connects clients with the macro welfare policies. In terms of children's well-being, Korea is much behind in terms of child welfare delivery and welfare services, as she does not equip with a fairly tightly constructed service delivery network system. As a result, there are many unprotected children in the community, whereas in some areas child welfare services are richly provided to children, which causes service equity problem.
This study aims to construct the appropriated case management system in order for the effective and efficient welfare delivery by analyzing the system in the three countries in the areas of early child intervention, child protection services, and child-family integrated service delivery. The major research findings are as follows:
In the United Kingdom, the government enacted legal measures to perform case management based on the integrated perspective in the service delivery system, training of professionals, and division of labor among them. A standardized child & family assessment form has been developed according to the ecological system's approach. Sure Start is a preventive child welfare system, with which various needs are assessed and various services and information are delivered through Sure Start centres. As for abused children, the U.K. established child protection system, where the public play a major role and related institutions are connected in 'Working Together'.
The United States focused professional service delivery and highlights the empowerment of the service deliverer (case managers), promoting efficiency in service provision and aiming at customizing the services. Child protection services are based on Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, and the delivery route is the Federal government, Administration of Child and Family, Offices of Child and Family, and county office. Case management is provided with Child Protective Service. Case management in the family support system is based on the TANF manual and family preservation manual. High risk family is targeted. In the Head Start system, various community organizations perform case management.
In New Zealand, early intervention service and child-family integrated services are under one roof, called Family Start. It is very much targeted and preventive program for the high risk families. Four ministries are involved namely, the Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, and the Department of Child Youth and Family Services. Family and Community Services finances the program and non-profit organizations deliver the services. Child care and protection services are integrated into one, which is governed by the Ministry of Social Development, Child, Youth and Family. It is based on the 1989 Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act. New Zealand first adopted the Family Group Conference system in child care and protection. It has been verified that it is very effective in reducing resource consumption when families are involved in the course of service delivery.
In Korea the child case management for early intervention and service delivery to child and the family is conducted by Education Welfare First Service, Dream Start, WE Start, Siso and Swing, and Hope Network for our Children. And that for child protection is done by Central Child Protection Agency. Each institute develops its own case management strategies and delivery services for prevention purpose. And yet several obstacles are hindering the effectiveness of the system, including lack of community resources, no differences in roles between the public and private sectors, lack of professionals, and no DB on cared children.
Based on the three study cases, policy implications for the betterment of the case management system in Korea are suggested.
Table Of Contents
Abstract 1

요 약 5

제1장 서론 21
제1절 연구 필요성과 목적 21
제2절 연구내용 및 방법 23
제3절 연구분석틀 25

제2장 사례관리에 대한 이론적 고찰 29
제1절 사례관리의 개념 29
제2절 사례관리의 역사 34
제3절 사례관리의 유형 38
제4절 사례관리의 과정 44

제3장 영국의 아동사례관리 체계 53
제1절 영국 사례관리의 이해 53
제2절 아동조기 개입제도 : 슈어스타트 64
제3절 학대아동 보호체계 71
제4절 시사점 81

제4장 미국의 아동사례관리 체계 85
제1절 미국 사례관리서비스의 개념 및 발전과정 86
제2절 미국의 아동대상 사례관리 서비스 현황 90
제3절 시사점 116

제5장 뉴질랜드의 아동사례관리 체계 121
제1절 뉴질랜드 아동복지의 특징 121
제2절 조기개입적 아동‧가족 통합지원 : Family Start 122
제3절 아동돌봄 및 보호방안 134
제4절 시사점 143

제6장 한국의 아동사례관리 체계 149
제1절 아동사례관리 개요 149
제2절 한국의 아동사례관리 체계 154
제3절 한국 아동사례관리의 특성 및 문제점 192

제7장 결론 및 정책제언 195
제1절 연구 결과 요약 197
제2절 정책제언 203
제3절 연구의 한계점 및 향후 과제 208

참고문헌 209
Local ID
Research Monographs 2011-16-1
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
General social security > International social security
Social service > Welfare for children
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