
Investigation on the food safety crises by climate change and risk management

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dc.description.abstract◈ 국내외 위기대응 대상 및 방안 분석 ◈ 기후변화에 따른 국내외 위기대응 현황 분석 ◈ 국내외 식품안전사고 사례 및 대응 현황 분석 ◈ 기후변화에 따른 식품안전사고 예측 및 위기대응방안 모색
dc.description.abstractDespite climate change progressing at accelerating rate, there is still low public perception on climate change in Korea. According to the results of the consumer survey from this study, there were consumers' high recognition of climate change and food safety but they had difficulty in behaving in response to both the climate change and the food safety with confidence. Therefore, it is necessary to make efforts to improve their behavior. As the results of the experts and the consumers' survey of the recognition, it was found four pressing issues which are needed to be tackled afterwards: providing information on climate change and food safety, implementation of promotion and eduction, arrangement of positive policies at national level, and necessity for research for food safety linked with climate change. Risk management consequent on climate change should activate education of public institutions under cooperation between central and local governments. It also needs to distinguish between sustainable and regular safety management and emergency situation in order to appropriately respond and adapt to food safety issue. domestically and internationally, study on how climate change affects food safety has been very limited and insufficient. Therefore, it is important to come up with basic material for effective response and adaptation policy through active sectoral research. Especially, there needs to be multidisciplinary approaches covering awareness of influence of climate change and interrelationship between food environment and food hygiene as ensuring food safety entirely affects all food chain from food production to household spending and handling. Linking with climate change, there are harm factors related to food safety incidents. the first is microbial and parasitical contamination such as germs and viruses, fungal toxin, residual animal drugs and agricultural pesticides, and hazardous substances from marine products. Second is, concerning food chain, handling and storage of and trading food. In addition, increase in frequency of emergency situation caused by climate is considered to be a risk. For a countermeasure against climate change, people or parties concerned should band together at pan-national and sectoral level as well as providing information on climate change and food safety. For reformation regarding crisis management for food safety, there needs to build and strengthen international exchange system among international organizations, the Mistry of Health and Welfare(KFDA), the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Education. Lastly, there needs industrial support and future research pertaining to information sharing and food storage/distribution, insect disinfestation, and etc through food safety-related information gathering and utilization of new mass media.
dc.description.tableOfContentsAbstract 1 요약 3 제1장 서 론 7 제1절 연구개요 7 제2절 기후변화 고찰 11 제3절 기후변화 영향 고찰 14 제2장 국내현황 19 제1절 국가 위기 대상 및 대응방안 19 제2절 기후변화와 식품안전 30 제3절 기후변화에 따른 식품안전 부문의 대응 및 적응 방안 51 제3장 국외현황 67 제1절 WHO/FAO 67 제2절 미국 88 제3절 독일 95 제4절 일본 108 제4장 기후변화에 따른 식품안전사고 위기대응방안 도출 123 제1절 전문가 및 일반국민 인식조사 123 제2절 국내외 동향 고찰 144 제5장 결론 및 정책제언 155 제1절 결론 155 제2절 정책제언 160 참고문헌 165 부록 175 부록 1. 전문가 및 일반국민 인식조사표 175 부록 2. 인식조사 결과 192
dc.publisherKorea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Korea (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR)
dc.rightsKOGL BY-NC-ND
dc.title기후변화에 따른 식품안전사고 위기대응방안 연구
dc.title.alternativeInvestigation on the food safety crises by climate change and risk management
dc.identifier.localId연구보고서 2011-40-2
dc.identifier.localIdResearch Monographs 2011-40-2
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
Health care > Food/Drugs
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