
Study on the Fertility and Child Care Behavior by Income Group and Policy Directions

Study on the Fertility and Child Care Behavior by Income Group and Policy Directions

김은정 ; 이성림 ; 이완정 ; 김한나

소득계층별 출산 양육 ; 출산행태
Publication Year
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
◈ 관련 문헌 고찰
◈ 소득계층별 출산행태 분석
◈ 소득계층별 양육행태 분석
◈ 소득수준, 출산행태, 양육행태의 관계 분석
◈ 출산지원정책의 주요대상에 따른 지원방안 모색

Despite various policy initiatives to raise the fertility rate in Korea, there have been not much tangible effects so far. As most pro natal and child care support policies are targeted at low-income households, only a small proportion of the population can actually benefit from them. Many studies have been conducted on the relationship between income and fertility, but their findings have not been consistent. This study analyzes the fertility and child care behavior of different income groups, for which little research has been done, and is aimed at developing policy measures for different income groups.
This study estimates the "planned number of life-time childbirths", analyzes the intention of further childbirths and the current status of child care and child education for different income groups, using data from the 2nd Korean Longitudinal Survey of Women and Families of 2008. The sample was divided into three income groups: low-income group (bottom 30%), middle-income group, (whose income is above the bottom 30% and below the bottom 70%), and high-income group (top 30%). Ordered logit and binary logit were used to estimate the planned number of life-time childbirths and analyze childbirth intention. To analyze child care behavior, multinominal logit and tow stage tobit analyses were adopted.
The results show that income-related variables do not have a significant impact on the planned number of life-time childbirths, but the current asset level has a meaningful impact on the intention of additional childbirths. In addition, working mother households are more likely to plan additional childbirths in the future. This requires the government to shift their focus on policy measures targeting working mother households. In the analysis of child care behavior, income level, mother's employment status, child's age, the presence of siblings and the number of household members have been found to be the main factors that affect child care behavior. It turned out that the children of low-income families are not spending enough time with their parents as compared to their counterparts of middle to high-income families. In addition, they have economic constraints on access to kindergartens and private education. In conclusion, double-income families should receive as much attention as low-income families in pro-natal and child care support policies.
Table Of Contents
Abstract 1

요 약 5

제1장 서 론 13
1. 연구배경 및 목적 15
2. 연구내용 및 방법 17
3. 용어 정의 20

제2장 출산관련행태의 변화 동향과 출산에 대한 영향 23
1. 결혼연령의 변동 추이와 출산에의 영향 25
2. 출산연령의 변동 추이와 출산에의 영향 35
3. 난임시술 추이와 출산에의 영향 51

제3장 출산관련행태와 신생아건강 간 관계에 대한 일반 인식 57
1. 조사개요 59
2. 조사대상자의 일반특성 및 출산관련행태 60
3. 고위험 신생아 발생 및 예후에 대한 지식 64
4. 고위험 신생아 출산과 관련한 태도 71

제4장 신생아건강 동향 75
1. 신생아 건강지표 77
2. 고위험 신생아 발생 동향 89

제5장 고위험 신생아를 위한 치료 및 의료자원공급 동향 139
1. 고위험 신생아 치료 동향 141
2. 고위험 신생아를 위한 의료자원공급 158

제6장 결론 및 정책제언 173
1. 결론 173
2. 정책제언 182
3. 연구의 제한점 189

참고문헌 191

부록 : 조사표 201
Local ID
Research Monographs 2011-37-4
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
Population and family > Family changes
Population and family > Responses to fertility decline
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