
Welfare Governance: Practice of Elderly Care Services by Local Government

Welfare Governance: Practice of Elderly Care Services by Local Government

고경환강지원 ; 김보영 ; 김인 ; 양난주

노인복지서비스 ; 공급방식의 변화
Publication Year
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
◈ 복지공급기관의 복지경영 실태조사를 통해 사회서비스부문의 재정을 평가하고자 함.
◈ 이를 통해 사회서비스 공급기관의 선진화를 위한 실천적 함의를 모색하고자 함.

ㅁRecent changes in the policy environment that have been delegated the authority and responsibility of from public sector to private sector, from the central government to local governments, and upper government to lower government. Besides, it is necessary to explain the new approach that enhancing the effectiveness of social service delivery and changes from provider to consumer centric approach.
ㅁIn the broad terms, welfare governance(welfare state governance and social service management) is cooperation and role concerning administrative system, financing, service plans and service deliveries on the local governments and social service providers in the community-based. In the narrow sense, welfare governance is means the "local social welfare system" that the networking which community, the public sector, and private sector assess, diagnose, identify needs, apply for benefits and services, check availability, and provide directory information to needy people.
ㅁChapter 2 outlines the discourse of social service in Korea and UK.
○ UK operated the “Partnership for Older People Projects” programmes was funded by the development of Health to create a sustainable shift in the care of older people moving away from a focus on institutional and hospital-based crisis care toward earlier and better targeted interventions within community settings in May 2006 - April 2009.
ㅁChapter 3 shows the diversification of social service delivery.
○ Bureaucratic paradigm is that public sector plans the way, determines the quantity, and delivery the service with direct and indirect(contract-out). Hence, private sector is the agent by public sector and between both are hierarchical.
○ Nobody can plan and determine the social service in the Market-based paradigm. In this paradigm, market price will decide by private sector, but service quality will be high due to service provider’s competition.
○ Governance paradigm is the partnership of public-private sectors. In this context, both sectors are involved to plan, determine, and delivery the social service.
ㅁChapter 4 outlines the diversification of older people care services in Korea. Then chapter 5 survey the paradigm in 228 local government and analyze this result.
○ Governance paradigm appear in the 88 sites(54.6%), Bureaucratic paradigm show in the 129 sites(80.1%). But market-based paradigm is not appear dominant everywhere.
Table Of Contents
Abstract 1

요약 3

제1장 서론 11
제1절 문제 제기 11
제2절 연구목적 및 내용 23
제3절 연구방법 26

제2장 사회서비스 담론 29
제1절 영국의 사회서비스 담론 29
제2절 한국사회서비스 담론의 발전 78

제3장 사회서비스 공급방식의 다변화 107
제1절 관료주의 패러다임 107
제2절 시장주의 패러다임 123
제3절 거버넌스패러다임 134

제4장 노인복지서비스와 복지경영 171
제1절 한국사회서비스의 발전과 거버넌스패러다임의 대두 171
제2절 노인복지서비스와 복지경영패러다임 190

제5장 노인복지서비스 공급 실태조사 203
제1절 조사설계 203
제2절 분석결과 206

제6장 결론 및 정책제언 221
제1절 결론 221
제2절 정책제언 224

참고문헌 227

부록 251
Local ID
Research Monographs 2011-17-2
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
Social service > General social service
Social service > Welfare for older persons
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