
A Study on the Income Protection for the Disabled with a focus on the Invalidity Pension of National Pension Scheme, Disability Pension and Permanent Disability Benefit of Workers Compensation Insurance

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dc.description.abstract◈ 장애관련 공적제도별 적용현황 및 비교분석 ◈ 장애인의 소득실태분석 ◈ 장애인 소득보장 및 소득보전 체계에 대한 외국사례 검토 ◈ 장애인연금, 국민연금 및 산재보험 장애ㆍ 장해급여의 적용현황 및 문제점 ◈ 장애인연금, 국민연금 및 산재보험 장애ㆍ 장해급여간 효율적인 역할정립을 위한 발전방안 제시 ◈ 장애연금제도간 개편방안별 재정분석 및 개선효과 분석
dc.description.abstractIncome security system for the disabled in Korea faces the new stage this year with the introduction of Disability Pension Act; the system divides into Disability Pension, non-contributing pension, and Invalidity Pension of National Pension Scheme, which is social pension. In addition, there is Permanent Disability Benefit of Workers Compensation Insurance, which applies to the disability due to work injury. Disability Pension Act improves the income security system for the disabled by providing pension to the disabled people who live slightly above the poverty line, but was excluded in the National Basic Income Security scheme since it does not consider the disability in selecting the beneficiary. It is also expected that Disability Pension contribute to building up the income security system by providing the basic disability pension to the disabled who is not covered by National Pension due to inborn disability or not satisfying the conditions of the scheme. Although it resolves the gaps in coverage in National Basic Livelihood scheme and National Pension scheme in some degree, Non-contributing Disability Pension has a problem of not being clearly distinguished from National Pension, which is social pension scheme. In addition, it is difficult to consider Disability Pension as minimum guaranteed pension although it allows the overlaps with Invalidity Pension of National Pension. Therefore, there should be clarification between disability benefit schemes considering the characteristics of each scheme, otherwise, there would be increase of income disparity among the disabled and decline of redistribution. This study aims to examine the raised the issues related to current income security system for the disabled. It tries to suggest the desirable direction for restructuring the income security system for the disabled through the case studies of multi-pillar income security system for the disabled in other countries. The study also presents the suggestions to improve system by examining the current status of Disability Pension and Invalidity Pension of National Pension, exploring the ways for effective role sharing between the schemes with financial analysis and analyzing the effect of each suggestion.
dc.description.tableOfContentsAbstract 1 요 약 3 제1장 서 론 29 제2장 우리나라 장애소득보장제도 현황 35 제1절 장애인과 소득보장 35 제2절 우리나라의 장애소득보장제도 개관 38 제3절 장애인연금과 장애수당제도 41 제4절 국민연금의 장애연금 44 제5절 산재보험의 장해급여 47 제6절 공무원의 장해급여 53 제3장 OECD 국가의 장애소득보장제도 61 제1절 장애소득보장제도 분석 기준 61 제2절 OECD 국가의 장애소득보장제도 64 제3절 선진 외국의 장애인 소득보장 수준 비교 91 제4절 최근 OECD 회원국의 장애소득보장 개혁 동향 97 제4장 국민연금의 장애연금과 장애인연금 제도내‧제도간 문제점 검토 117 제1절 국민연금의 장애연금 117 제2절 장애인연금제도 131 제5장 국민연금 장애연금과 장애인연금 개선방안 효과분석 139 제1절 국민연금의 장애연금과 장애인연금 개선방안 139 제2절 현행제도 유지시 144 제3절 개선방안에 대한 효과분석 152 제6장 결론 및 정책제언 163 참고문헌 169
dc.publisherKorea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Korea (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR)
dc.rightsKOGL BY-NC-ND
dc.title장애연금제도 발전방안 연구 -장애·장해·장애인 연금간 효과적인 역할정립 중심으로
dc.title.alternativeA Study on the Income Protection for the Disabled with a focus on the Invalidity Pension of National Pension Scheme, Disability Pension and Permanent Disability Benefit of Workers Compensation Insurance
dc.subject.keyword장애.장해.장애인 연금간 효과적
dc.identifier.localId연구보고서 2011-15
dc.identifier.localIdResearch Monographs 2011-15
dc.subject.kihasa장애인 복지
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
Social service > Welfare for disabled persons
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