
Children's Obesity and Underweight among Low Income Families in Korea : Status, Implications and Policy Options

Children's Obesity and Underweight among Low Income Families in Korea : Status, Implications and Policy Options

김혜련 ; 이수형 ; 최중명 ; 오영인

저소득층 아동비만 ; 저체중 문제의 진단
Publication Year
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
◈ 저소득층 아동 비만 및 저체중에 대한 국내외 선행연구 고찰
◈ 사회경제 수준별 아동 비만 및 저체중의 양상과 추이 분석
◈ 저소득층 아동에 대한 실태조사를 통한 비만 및 저체중의 사회경제적 원인의 규명
◈ 선진국의 저소득층 아동 비만 대처를 정책 접근 방안과 사례 고찰
◈ 비만예방 관점에서 저소득층 아동 대상 기존 급식지원사업, 운동사업과 관련 정책과 사업의 현황 진단
◈ 저소득층 아동의 비만과 저체중 문제를 감소시키기 위한 정책 개선방안과 과제

Many contradicting studies are being released on whether the obesity rate among children of low-income families in Korea is high/low,??and on whether the obesity rate of the group is increasing. While certain studies suggest that children of low-income families continue to show a higher prevalence rate of underweight, other studies claim that the group has a higher prevalence rate of obesity. This ongoing debate suggests that Korea may follow the pattern of other advanced countries where the prevalence rate of child obesity is high among lower socioeconomic class.
This study aimed to reveal current status of obesity and underweight among children of low-income families by conducting a survey on the actual conditions of those children and to verify relevant factors which cause obesity and underweight. Furthermore, based on the findings, this study offers policy suggestions to prevent obesity/underweight, to deliver required health care services for children of low income families, and to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in childhood.
Five main findings emerged from this study. First, low- income?family?children of?both genders were shorter than the general population on average, presenting a delay in their growth in height. Second, girls from low-income families tended to weigh more than girls from general population, which?in turn?resulted in a higher prevalence rate of overweight in the subject group compared to the general population. Third, in terms of distribution of weight for height, both underweight and overweight rates of low-income children were higher than that of the general population, making the proportion of normal-range weight for height in the group relatively low.
Fourth, within the low-income family children group, the underweight/ overweight and obesity distribution patterns were different depending on family types, as children living only with their grandparent(s) or single parent showed higher rates of underweight, overweight and obesity.
Fifth, low-income children whose parents had lower level of education showed higher rates of overweight or obesity.
Based on these findings, the study suggests the following policy measures in order to prevent and manage obesity and underweight among children of low-income families.
For long-term policy plans, there is a need for consolidating health program services, and establishing systematic support for children of low income families.?
As for short-term policy plans, continuous monitoring on the growth and development of the children in low-income families should be carried out at after-school child-care centers. A specific legal basis to provide such health services should be established in legislation, concerning the support for impoverished children (namely the 'Act on the Preventing Poverty and Supporting Children'). In addition, there is a need to implement measures to strengthen nutrition support for children of low-income families by expanding meal support, improving meal quality and procuring a meal management system for after-school child-care centers. Also, measures should be developed to promote physical exercise opportunities for children of low-income families.
?This study is significant because, unlike previous studies, it focused on children of low-income families as the subject, and analyzed the obesity and underweight status by actual measurement of their height and weight, presenting a meaningful direction for developing health policy?interventions?and programs for?those children. A follow-up study should be conducted on a larger scale,?for the sample size of the subject children was limited in this study.
Table Of Contents
Abstract 1

요약 3

제1장 서 론 21
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 21
제2절 연구방법 24

제2장 저소득층 아동 비만과 저체중 선행연구 및 관련사업 고찰 33
제1절 국내외 선행연구 고찰 33
제2절 저소득층 아동 비만 유관 정책과 프로그램 현황 38

제3장 저소득층 아동의 비만 및 저체중 양상 61
제1절 비만 및 저체중 양상 61
제2절 아동의 사회경제수준별 저체중과 비만 양상 90
제3절 저소득층 아동의 비만 및 저체중 관련 요인 101
제4절 조사연구 결과의 논의 및 시사점 128

제4장 저소득층 아동 비만 및 저체중 예방 및 관리를 위한 정책 방안 133
제1절 저소득층 아동 시설 전문가‧담당자 요구도 134
제2절 저소득층 아동 비만예방 및 건강관리의 기본방향 139
제3절 저소득층 아동 비만 및 저체중 예방을 위한 중장기 정책과제 140
제4절 저소득층 아동 비만 및 저체중 예방을 위한 단기 정책과제 145

제5장 결 론 161

참고문헌 165

부록 : 설문지 173
Local ID
Research Monographs 2011-07
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
Health care > Health promotion
Social service > Welfare for children
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