
Study on the Organic Food Control System Focused on the Consumers

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dc.description.abstract◈ 우리나라의 유기농 식품 시장 현황 ◈ 우리나라의 유기농 식품 관리체계 ◈ 선진국의 유기농식품 시장 현황 ◈ 선진국의 유기농식품 관리체계 ◈ 소비자 인식도 조사 ◈ 정책과제 제안
dc.description.abstractKorean government has a plan to integrate the present three regulations relating to organic foods. These regulations are the labelling requirements by the food hygiene act and the organic processed food certification by the food industry promotion act, and non-processed organic foods certification by the environmentally-friendly agriculture promotion act. At present, it is not clear whether the certification of organic processed foods is compulsory or not. Besides, there are some differences between the labelling requirements and the certification criteria for organic processed foods. Therefore, it is necessary to change the present certification criteria for processed organic foods apart from the consolidation of the regulations at the act level. Here are some suggestions to be considered in preparation of the proposals for the certification criteria for processed organic foods. First, the labelling requirements by the food hygiene act and the organic processed food certification criteria by the food industry promotion act are still different to some extent in spite of recent changes in the organic processed food certification criteria. Besides, terminology used in the labelling requirements and the certification criteria should be same to prevent the manufacturer’s confusion. Second, the percentage of organic materials in the food should be labeled in the products. Consumers are not easy to find out how much of the organic materials are used in the products since the percentages of the each materials are only labelled. Third, the origin indication should be labelled near the organic food symbol. Consumers are eager to purchase the products containing the materials originated from Korea. It is reported that the consumers prefer products containing the materials originated from Korea to imported organic processed foods. Forth, the usage of the term, organic food in the products containing less than 95 percent of the organic materials should be reviewed. Present system allowing the extent of the labeling of organic foods is so complicated for consumers. Fifth, the co-operation between the KFDA charging the imported food inspection in the quarantine and Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries are necessary. It is more efficient for KFDA to check the imported organic foods in the quarantine. Sixth, various values pursued by the organic foods as well as the definition of organic food should be communicated with consumers.
dc.description.tableOfContentsAbstract 1 요약 3 제1장 서론 17 제1절 연구 배경 및 목적 17 제2절 연구 내용 및 방법 21 제2장 문헌 고찰 25 제1절 개요 25 제2절 커뮤니케이션 26 제3절 가격 및 유통구조 31 제4절 인증관리체계 34 제5절 시사점 39 제3장 우리나라 유기가공식품 표시제 현황 45 제1절 식품위생법 45 제2절 친환경농업육성법 49 제3절 식품산업진흥법 52 제4절 시사점 58 제4장 선진국의 유기가공식품표시제 현황 63 제1절 Codex 63 제2절 미국 68 제3절 일본 75 제4절 EU 81 제5절 허용 첨가물 등 비교 분석 92 제6절 시사점 101 제5장 유기식품에 대한 소비자 가치 분석 105 제1절 서론 105 제2절 조사 방법 106 제3절 조사 결과 115 제4절 외국과의 비교 124 제5절 시사점 133 제6장 정책 제언 및 결론 137 제1절 기본방향 137 제2절 정책적 제언 138 제3절 결론 142 참고문헌 145 부록 157 부록 1. 국제식품규격위원회(codex) 가이드라인 157 부록 2. 미국의 유기식품 관련 연방규정(CFR) 중 표시 관련 조항 196 부록 3. 일본의 유기가공식품 농림 규격 205 부록 4. 식약청 표시제와 농식품부 인증제의 허용 첨가물 등 비교 214
dc.publisherKorea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Korea (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR)
dc.rightsKOGL BY-NC-ND
dc.title소비자 중심의 유기식품의 관리체계 및 개선방안: 유기가공식품 표시제 중심으로
dc.title.alternativeStudy on the Organic Food Control System Focused on the Consumers
dc.subject.keyword소비자 중심
dc.identifier.localId연구보고서 2011-06
dc.identifier.localIdResearch Monographs 2011-06
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
Health care > Food/Drugs
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