
u-Health: Current Status and Tasks Ahead

u-Health: Current Status and Tasks Ahead

송태민 ; 이상영 ; 이기호 ; 진달래 ; 박대순 ; 류시원 ; 장상현

u-Helath 현황과 ; 정책과제
Publication Year
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
◈ u-Health의 개요
◈ u-Health 서비스 국내외 제공 현황
◈ u-Health 서비스 기술동향
◈ u-Health 서비스 수용성분석
◈ u-Health 개인정보 보호방안
◈ u-Health 기반 정보관리 모형개발
◈ u-Health 서비스 사례관리 체계 구축
◈ u-Health 서비스 확산 방안
◈ u-Health 발전방안 및 정책과제

Many countries around the world have put in place and implemented u-Health service systems as a way to curb health care costs and to shore up the policy effect of public and preventive health care. U-Health services are ongoing also in Korea in the form of trial projects aimed at contributing to the public good. However, still lacking a legal basis, fee reimbursement rules, technical standards, workforce, basic statistics, and business models, these services have yet to come to a point of creating a market of their own. This study looks into the current status of u-Health services in Korea and elsewhere, and, further, analyzes demand and supply and their effect, with a view to providing a base for improvement. This study suggests as follows. Doctors should be allowed, at least to a limited extent, to provide remote health care services to patients. U-Health services should be delivered in a more specialized way to meet different care needs. Policy on u-Health will have to be far-reaching as to be able to prepare for the more evolved stage of s-Health. In addition, the full-scale implementation of u-Health requires a national organization whose task it is to disseminate technical standards and manage u-Health portal sites. To better understand the cost-effectiveness u-Health services, multi-faceted, sequential analyses will have to be follow the design of detailed service models. First, for u-Health services to take root, more policy attention should be paid to ensure that they are safe and effective. Second, the u-Health services should be delivered as a global scheme. Third, the workforce with the required expertise needs to be fostered and increased. Fourth, the government should establish organizations of its own to work on the promotion of u-Health. Fifth, concerted efforts must take place to raise public awareness towards u-Health. Sixth, measures will have to be taken to implement personal health record sharing mechanisms under strengthened information security.
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론
제1절 연구의 배경 및 필요성
제2절 연구의 목적
제3절 연구내용 및 연구방법
제4절 u-Health 정의

제2장 u-Health 국내외 현황
제1절 u-Health 국내 현황
제2절 u-Health 국외 현황
제3절 시사점

제3장 u-Health 수요 및 효과 분석
제1절 u-Health 수요 분석
제2절 u-Health 효과 분석

제4장 u-Health 활성화 전략 및 발전방안
제1절 u-Health 서비스 활성화를 위한 전략 분석
제2절 u-Health 법?제도 현황과 발전방안
제3절 u-Health 공공보건의료 서비스 현황과 발전방안
제4절 u-Health 기술 현황과 발전방안
제5절 u-Health 표준화 현황과 발전방안
제6절 u-Health 비용-효과 현황과 발전방안
제7절 u-Health 사회적 기반조성 현황과 발전방안

제5장 결론 및 정책제언
제1절 결론
제2절 정책제언


부 록
부록 1. 조사표
부록 2. 수요분석 통계표
부록 3. u-Health 수요분석 의견
Local ID
Research Monographs 2011-01
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
General social security > Health and welfare digitization
Health care > Health care service
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