
Analysis on the Trends of the OECD Countries' Poverty Policies

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dc.description.abstract□ 복지자본주의체체 변화와 공공부조제도의 조응성 분석 □ 주요 OECD 국가의 공공부조제도 변화 내용 분석 □ 한국의 빈곤대책 수립에 주는 함의 분석
dc.description.abstractIn this study, we viewed broadly the history of welfare state from Golden Age to remodeling stage, and analyzed the trends of unemployment and poverty changes in the main OECD countries since 1980s. In particular, as countermeasure for the working poor, we purposed to look into the implications to welfare policy of Korea by focusing on the activation policy of Denmark, Germany and UK which are representative for social-democratic, conservative and liberal welfare regime respectively. Since mid-1970s, the Western countries have experienced the continuous economic recession and high unemployment rates, de-industrialization and globalization as the pattern of capitalist accumulation regime change, low fertility rate and aging. And they had to accept the change of welfare system as regulation style that corresponds to these phenomena. As the representative aspect, activation policy can be considered importantly. This welfare reform characterized as workfare was operated by neo-liberal regime in 1980s, and expanded to Europe since 1990s. As the result of study about activation policy of Denmark, Germany, UK, we can verify the converging trend of overall direction. However, there are still significant differences among countries about the specific objectives, methods, and performances. In Denmark, ‘Golden triangle’ is the main model of the activation policy. This model is designed to increase the flexibility of the labor market, provide universal welfare benefits and services which can be readily changed the position between de-commodification and re-commodification for the adaptable workforce. In the UK, although high flexibility of the labor market is similar to Denmark, there is a difference that the activation policy is based on the residual model. In this model, welfare benefits, especially the cash benefits have been structured with a focus on the social assistance. The activation policy of Germany focuses on the long-term unemployed, especially those who received unemployment assistance because flexibility of labor market is relatively low, unemployment rate and the proportion of long-term unemployed is high. In South Korea, employment rate, especially female employment rate is low, the dead zone of income security has been very widely distributed. This fact might deteriorate the working poor problem. In the future, we should actively prepare activation policy to increase the employment for the working poor through the way of the improvement of the delivery system, provision of income security, and the reinforcement of the incentive to work.
dc.description.tableOfContents제1장 서 론 제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 제2절 연구 내용 및 방법 제2장 복지자본주의의 변화와 활성화정책의 등장 제1절 복지국가의 형성과 발전: ‘황금기’복지국가 제2절 복지국가의 위기와 재편의 배경과 원인 제3절 활성화정책의 등장과 발전 제4절 소결 제3장 활성화정책의 배경: 주요 OECD 국가의 실업 및 빈곤 동향 제1절 주요 OECD 국가의 실업률 추이 제2절 주요 OECD 국가의 빈곤 동향 제3절 공적이전의 빈곤감소효과 제4절 소결 제4장 활성화정책의 개념 및 유형 제1절 활성화정책의 개념 제2절 활성화정책의 대상 및 수단 제5장 덴마크의 활성화정책 제1절 활성화정책의 도입과 발전의 배경 제2절 활성화정책의 방향 및 주요 내용 제3절 활성화정책의 효과와 평가 제4절 소결 제6장 독일의 활성화정책 제1절 활성화정책 도입과 발전의 배경 제2절 활성화정책의 주요내용 제3절 활성화정책의 효과와 평가 제4절 소결 제7장 영국의 활성화정책 제1절 활성화정책 도입과 발전의 배경 제2절 활성화정책의 주요 내용 제3절 활성화정책의 효과와 평가 제4절 소결 제8장 결론 및 정책적 시사점 제1절 요약 및 결론 제2절 정책적 시사점
dc.publisherKorea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Korea (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR)
dc.rightsKOGL BY-NC-ND
dc.titleOECD 국가 빈곤정책 동향분석
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis on the Trends of the OECD Countries' Poverty Policies
dc.subject.keywordOECD 국가
dc.identifier.localId연구보고서 2010-17
dc.identifier.localIdResearch Monographs 2010-17
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
General social security > International social security
Income protection > Public income assistance
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