
Welfare Governance: Theoretical Perspectives and Tasks Ahead

Welfare Governance: Theoretical Perspectives and Tasks Ahead

고경환 ; 김보영 ; 강지원

Publication Year
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
◈ 복지경영에 대한 개념정립과 함의
◈ 사회서비스 공급기관의 경영실태조사
◈ 사회서비스 기관의 경영능력 및 투명성 강화 방안
◈ 이용자의 선택권 확대 방안 모색
◈ 공급자의 서비스 품질향상을 위한 방안모색
◈ 국가재정의 효율적 운영 방안 모색

ㅁ Recent changes in the policy environment that have been delegated the authority and responsibility of from public sector to private sector, from the central government to local governments, and upper government to lower government. Besides, it is necessary to explain the new approach that enhancing the effectiveness of social service delivery and changes from provider to consumer centric approach.

ㅁ In the broad terms, welfare governance(welfare state governance and social service management) is cooperation and role concerning administrative system, financing, service plans and service deliveries on the local governments and social service providers in the community-based. In the narrow sense, welfare governance is means the "local social welfare system" that the networking which community, the public sector, and private sector assess, diagnose, identify needs, apply for benefits and services, check availability, and provide directory information to needy people.
○ Local governments can establish the social services plan effectively utilized the limited resources, determine the supply of social service providers, regulate providers, and manage the quality of service.
○ Social service providers have to submit service delivery planning and agencies business plans to local government, based on these plans agencies delivery qualified services to user.
○ Networking is important to play the role of local governments and social service providers efficiently and easy access for users. For it, the central government constitutes the Social Services Commission and local governments make social councils based on community with the public and the private.

ㅁ Recent government reforms and social services changes in UK are good example to show the 'welfare governance' paradigm.
○ To illustrate this, we look at the change of the public sector and social service agencies in the UK. In addition, we analyze in-depth 'Partnership for Older People Projects (POPP)' in terms of comparability with Korea.

ㅁ Korea dose not pass through the administrative reform and dose not show dramatic changes of social service delivery system. However it is time to transit from funded by governments to network with welfare governance raised for changes in the way of government financial support and the introduction of market mechanism.
○ Especially introducing the Long Term care Insurance causes the way financial support agencies, as this agencies are undergoing significant changes in Korea.
Table Of Contents
제 1장 서론
제 1절 연구의 배경 및 목적
제 2절 연구내용 및 방법

제 2장 이론적 논의
제 1절 공공선택이론
제 2절 신공공관리론
제 3절 복지혼합 논의
제 4절 거버넌스이론
제 5절 유사개념과의 비교: 사회복지행정
제 6절 복지경영패러다임

제 3장 지방정부의 복지권한 강화와 행정개혁: 영국
제 1절 영국의 사회서비스 전달체계 발전
제 2절 영국 공공부문의 복지경영 패러다임
제 3절 영국 사회서비스 공급기관의 복지경영패러다임
제 4절 공?사 파트너십
제 5절 노인프로젝트 파트너십

제 4장 지방정부의 역할 강화와 재정지원방식의 변화: 한국
제 1절 공공부문의 복지환경 변화와 패러다임 전환
제 2절 재정지원방식 변경에 따른 사회서비스공급기관 경쟁
제 3절 장기요양보험과 복지경영 패러다임 실제

제 5장 결론 및 정책제언
제 1절 결론
제 2절 정책제언

Local ID
Research Monographs 2010-31-5
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
General social security > Welfare state
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