
A Study for the Standardization Policy of Health and Welfare Statistics - Focus on Management of Metadata Information-

A Study for the Standardization Policy of Health and Welfare Statistics - Focus on Management of Metadata Information-

손창균 ; 정기문 ; 고혜연

Publication Year
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
1차년도: 보건복지 통계 관련 용어의 표준화 작업
-국내 보건복지 통계의 종수 및 생산방법을 조사, 보고 및 가공 통계로 구분하여 보건 분야와 복지 분야를 대분류로 설정
-각 분야별 통계에 적용된 주요 용어의 정의를 타 분야 통계와 비교 검토하여 공통점과 차이점을 연구하여 표준적인 용어 개발
-연구주제의 객관성을 향상시키기 위해 관련 용어에 대한 전문가 그룹 인터뷰(FGI)를 실시하여 가장 객관적인 용어를 개발

The production framework of national health and welfare statistics which approved by Korea National Statistical Office(:KNSO) depends upon the procedures of data collection, such as administrative (or registration), secondary and survey statistics.
In March 2010, the national health and welfare statistics approved by KNSO were 56, which consisted of health statistics 38 and welfare statistics 28, respectively.
Now, the metadata information of domestic health and welfare statistics included in terminologies is available on KOSIS system ( But the types and formats of metadata of health and welfare statistics are different from each statistics, it confuses to understand for many users in using this information of health and welfare statistics.
To overcome this problem, we proposed the standardized format and classification item of domestic health and welfare statistics. Also, to coincide with the objectives of health and welfare statistics, it needs to define the terminology of this statistics based on the related Acts.
And we suggested some policies for management and improvement of health and welfare statistics and these metadata as follows;
First, it needs to organize an approval committee for the metadata of health and welfare statistics in order to improve and consistent of these data.
Second, it needs to study for providing of metadat and developing of DB and for standardizing in health and welfare statistics.
Third, it needs to standardize with administrative(registration) statistics, because most of health and welfare statistics are closely related with the relation acts.
Finally, it needs to develop the quality assessment indicators of metadata in health and welfare statistics as follows;
? wether provide the related acts or not.
? wether provide the source of terminology and definition or not.
? wether compare with the related terminology or not.
? wether provide the definitions of some indicator which used in that statistics based on clarity or not.
Table Of Contents
1. 연구 배경 및 목적
2. 연구방법
3. 연구내용

Ⅱ. 국내 보건 및 복지 통계 생산현황
1. 보건 및 복지 분야 통계 생산체계
2. 보건 및 복지 분야 통계 현황
3. 보건 및 복지 통계 관련 메타자료 현황
4. 보건 및 복지 통계 용어 현황

Ⅲ. 외국의 보건 및 복지통계 메타정보 관리정책
1. 캐나다
2. 호주
3. 영국
4. 시사점

Ⅳ. 보건 및 복지 통계 메타정보 관리 표준화 방안
1. 보건 복지 통계 메타정보 관리 표준화 정책
2. 보건복지통계 용어 표준화 정책
3. 정책적 제언


Local ID
Research Monographs 2010-27
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
General social security > Social security statistics
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