
Health at a Glance : Asia/Pacific 2010

Health at a Glance : Asia/Pacific 2010

Oh, Youngho ; Luca Lorenzoni ; Hyoung-Sun Jeong ; Michael de Looper ; Youngsik Jang ; Eunjeong Kang

Publication Year
OECD/Korea Policy Centre OECD
Yonsei University
Health at a Glance: Asia/Pacific presents a set of key indicators on health and health systems for 27 Asia/Pacific countries and economies, including four OECD member countries (Australia, Japan, New Zealand and the Republic of Korea). It builds on the format used in previous editions of Health at a Glance to present comparable data on health status and its determinants, health care resources and utilisation, and health expenditure and financing.
Table Of Contents
Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction 3

Chapter 2 Health Status 9
2.1 Life expectancy at birth 9
2.2 Infant mortality 12
2.3 Under-5 mortality 15
2.4 Mortality from all causes 18
2.5 Mortality from cardiovascular disease 21
2.6 Mortality from cancer 24
2.7 Mortality from injuries 27
2.8 Maternal mortality 30
2.9 HIV/AIDS 33
2.10 Tuberculosis 36
2.11 MALALIA 39
2.12 DIABETES 42

Chapter 3 Determinants of Health 47
3.1 Reproductive health 47
3.2 Low birthweight 50
3.3 Breastfeeding 53
3.4 Nutrition 56
3.5 Underweight and overweight 59
3.6 Water and sanitation 62
3.7 Tobacco 65
3.8 Alcohol 68

Chapter 4 Health Care Resources and Utilisation 73
4.1 Doctors and nurses 73
4.2 Consultations with doctors 76
4.3 Hospital beds and average length of stay 80
4.4 Hospital discharges 83
4.5 Pregnancy and birth 86
4.6 Childhood vaccination 89
Chapter 5 Health Expenditure and Financing 94
5.1. Health expenditure per capita 94
5.2 Health expenditure in relation to GDP 97
5.3 Financing of health care 100
5.4 Health expenditure by function 103
ANNEX A: National Data Sources 110
ANNEX B: Additional Information on Demographic and Economic

Context 113

References 118
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정책보고서 2011-11
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