
Work-Family Balance among Female Workers and Its Policy Implications

Work-Family Balance among Female Workers and Its Policy Implications

박종서김은정변수정 ; 이상림 ; 이소영 ; 최인선

일·가정양립 ; 모성보호제도 ; 돌봄 및 시간활용
Publication Year
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
본 연구는 지금까지 근로자 관점에서 일·가정양립 실태가 체계적으로 파악된 연구가 거의 없다는 점에서 시작하였다. 특히 일·가정양립 취약집단이라고 할 수 있는 소규모 영세사업장 근로자, 일부 비정규직 근로자의 일·가정양립 실태에 초점을 맞추어 접근하였다.

돌봄 기관 서비스나 부모 이외에 추가적인 돌봄 자원을 활용해야 하는 주된 이유는 장시간 근로에 기인한다고 볼 수 있다. 장시간 근로에 따른 돌봄 공백을 해소하는 데 추가자원 활용이 원활하지 않은 경우 일·가정양립의 어려움은 더 커질 것으로 예상된다. 그리고 기존의 주요 일·가정양립 지원제도와 관련하여 제도 내․외적 사각지대는 주로 소규모 영세 사업장에서 발견된다.

This study grew out of the recognition that in the sense that there were few studies that examined the actual status of work-family reconciliation from the perspective of workers themselves. According to previous studies, the work-family reconciliation policy has been widely ineffective, leaving many women in the face of career break related to family responsibilities. In order to grasp the actual situation of the work-family reconciliation among workers, this study conducted an survey using a questionnaire structured with a sample of 6,600 female wage workers.
The main results of this study are as follows. First, it was found that the longer the institutional use time, the more difficult it was to reconcile work with family. This means that if the utilization of alternative resources is easy, the difficulty of work-family reconciliation is reduced, while if the institution is inevitably used for a long time, it is difficult to reconcile the work-family. Second, difficulty in balancing work life and family life, and lack of time, showed that the degree of autonomy of childcare time, time at work and schedule management is the most important. Third, the work-family balance policy was least effective for those working at small firms, contributing to increases in low-income, temporary workers in specific service sectors. Although the maternal leave is a statutory obligation, the program is very poorly recognized among these workers. Also, they were less likely to use maternal leave and parental leave in the future.
Although the abortion leave was introduced in 2006, the rate of its utilization is low among female workers and lower still among those left in a policy blind spot. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that the leave benefit desired is not much different from the level of support of the current system. This implies that the elimination of policy blind spots may be more urgent than the strengthening of the support of the current system.
Finally, we have analyzed about marriage satisfaction, childbirth, and health in terms of quality of life. the conflict of work-family reconciliation showed negative effects on the marriage satisfaction of both full-time and non-regular women. As a result of analyzing the relationship between work-family reconciliation and childbirth, there was a correlation between each others, especially the degree of time shortage and childbirth.
In terms of health, the relationship between work-family reconciliation, subjective health status, stress and depression was analyzed. The results showed that the level of work-family reconciliation of female workers directly affects the health status, stress and depression level of workers.
In the future, it is necessary to consider the improvement of working hours in the difficulty of caring for children of female workers. The government's flexible working hour policy is being promoted mainly by public officials. In the future, it is necessary to strengthen efforts to spread flexible working hour policy to public sector and private couple.
In relation to the existing system of major work-family reconciliation support, blind spots within and outside the policy are mainly found in small size firm. On the other hand, even if the policies are introduced, the utilization rate of the policy is decreasing due to the rigidity of the organizational culture in the workplace. The government needs to strengthen its “Get Both Work and Family” Campaign.
Table Of Contents
Abstract 1
요 약 5
제1장 서 론 9
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 11
제2장 기존 연구 및 연구 방법 15
제1절 기존 연구 17
제2절 연구 틀 20
제3절 연구 방법 22
제4절 응답자 및 가구의 일반 특성 34
제3장 자녀돌봄과 일․가정양립 39
제1절 자녀돌봄 기초분석 41
제2절 돌봄시간 및 비용 영향요인 71
제3절 돌봄 유형 결정요인 78
제4절 자녀돌봄과 일·가정양립의 관계 82
제4장 시간활용과 일․가정양립 85
제1절 가정 내 시간활용 87
제2절 출퇴근시간 및 근무시간 95
제3절 시간활용과 일․가정양립 104
제4절 시간활용과 일․가정양립의 관계 118
제5장 일․가정양립 제도 이용과 욕구 127
제1절 일․가정양립 제도 이용에 관한 기초분석 129
제2절 모성보호제도 급여 수준 147
제3절 모성보호제도 이용의사 결정요인 151
제6장 일․가정양립과 삶의 질 155
제1절 일․가정양립과 결혼만족도 157
제2절 일․가정양립과 출산 166
제3절 일․가정양립과 건강 183
제7장 주요 결과 및 정책적 함의 205
제1절 주요 분석 결과 207
제2절 정책적 함의 215
참고문헌 221
부록 225
Local ID
Research Monographs 2017-17
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
Income protection > Welfare-to-work
Population and family > Responses to fertility decline
Population and family > Gender
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