
An Efficient Utilization Method of Health Care Resources to Keep Medical Expenses at an Appropriate Level in Korea: Focused on the Attending Hospital System

An Efficient Utilization Method of Health Care Resources to Keep Medical Expenses at an Appropriate Level in Korea: Focused on the Attending Hospital System

오영호 ; 정승은 ; 이난희 ; 김동영 ; 이영지

개방병원제도 ; 정책 평가 ; 질적 조사 ; 의료 전달 체계 ; 시계열개입분석
Publication Year
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
개방병원제도(attending hospital system)는 지역 내 병원자원(시설·장비 및 인력)을 개원의사가 이용하게 하여 개원의사가 자신의 환자에게 지속적인 의료를 제공하는 제도로, 우리나라 보건의료체계가 안고 있는 고질적인 과제인 전문의 중심의 의사구조 하에서 의사의 전문성을 제대로 활용하지 못하는 문제, 의료자원의 유휴화와 의사인력확보에 어려움을 겪고 있는 중소병원의 문제를 동시에 해결할 수 있는 정책대안으로 제기 되어 2003년부터 실시되어 13년이 지났지만 여전히 정체상태를 벗어나지못하고 있다.
본 연구는 우리나라의 개방병원 운영현황을 실증적으로 조사하고, 심층적으로 분석·검토함으로써 개방병원제도 정착을 위한 세부 방안을 제안하고자 한다. 특히 2009에 시행된 개방병원확대 정책의 효과를 분석함으로써 현행 개방병원제도의 정착여부를 가늠하고 발전방향을 모색하고 있다.

Raising the effectiveness of Health Care has been recognized as a way to enhance the performance of health care system and a national goal. This is a policy goal of significance especially in a country like Korea where healthcare resources are limited and the healthcare delivery system remains ineffective. The attending hospital system―where medical practitioners are allowed to provide a continuum of care to patients by using local hospital resources―was proposed and has been implemented since 2003 to address the problems of underutilization of specialist physicians and medical resources, and of the difficulties small hospitals have in recruiting necessary medical professionals; but its impact remains limited at best.
Main policy issues discussed with respect to the attending hospital system centered on fee system, medical dispute and related law. With regard to this, relevant improvement scheme was raised since 2001 but has not been implemented to this day. The reason behind the such failure is a lack of conviction among hospitals and clinics on the need for this system. As doubts were raised about the sustainability of the health care system, a committee was formed in 2016 to improve health care delivery system. Such effort is expected to play a role as a starting point which contributes to activate the attending hospital system. Above all, most of the main problems lie in difficulties of securing physicians and underutilization of the professionality of physician in clinics.
The attending hospital system is not only a way to address the difficulties local and public hospitals face in recruiting physicians in the short term, but an important milestone for practitioners in clinics to utilize their medical knowledge and techniques learned from medical residency programs. In the long term, it can ultimately enhance a health care supply system including a health care delivery system.
In addition, policy measures should be taken without further delay to address the issues of the fee system, medical disputes and the relevant legal framework. Apropos to the fee system, main issues are the need for newly established medical fee provisions related with attending hospital system and separation of fee between hospital and doctor. In regards to this, reasonable profit distribution rate should be arranged in the short term. In case of open hospitals which would be mainly public hospitals, the rate should be arranged in a way of endowing higher motivation to participating practitioners in clinics, considering the publicity of public hospitals. In the long term, separation between hospital and doctor’s medical insurance fee which can be applied to Relative Value Medical Insurance Fee and reorganization including fee for patient transportation and open hospital patient management is needed.
The main issue for medical dispute should be focused on responsibility sharing between open hospitals and doctors. The sharing system can be classified into dispute solution procedure and cost sharing for compensation fee when the matter of responsibility is clarified. For dispute settlement, preparing reasonable procedure should be accompanied by supplementation of the existing Dispute Adjustment Act. In order to raise compensation fee, activation of Malpractice Liability Insurance System and operation of Medical Compensation Deduction Union should be initiated.
Lastly, it is necessary to improve the related laws, in order to revitalize the attending hospital system. Above all, laying a direct legal basis for the policy and giving permission to lease parts of hospital facilities are pivotal factors for the policy to go into effect. In addition, plan to acknowledge participating doctors as specialists needed in the legal standards of hospital should be considered. Also, participating hospitals should be given rights to indicate their participation status for an Attending Hospital Policy on organization names or advertisement. A firm establishment of health care delivery system is key to a cost-effective health system as it helps reduce unnecessary waste of health resources. This can solve the ‘high cost, low efficiency’ problem that Korea’s health care system is facing, which is a core reason to establish medical delivery system. A full implementation of the attending hospital system is expected to work as a stepping stone to a well-functioning health care delivery system.
Table Of Contents
Abstract 1
요 약 5
제1장 서 론 31
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 33
제2절 연구 방법 및 연구 내용 37
제2장 이론적인 고찰 및 제도적 배경 43
제1절 개방병원제도의 개념 및 법적 근거 45
제2절 개방병원제도의 선행 연구 49
제3절 선행 연구와의 차별성 53
제3장 연구 방법 55
제1절 양적 실태 조사 방법 57
제2절 2009년 정책 평가 방법 58
제3절 질적 연구 방법 67
제4장 의료 공급 체계와 개방병원제도 85
제1절 우리나라 의료 전달 체계의 현황 및 문제점 87
제2절 개원 전문의의 의료 지식 및 기술 활용 미흡 103
제3절 지역 거점 병원 및 공공병원의 의사 인력 확보의 어려움 104
제4절 개방병원제도의 활성화 필요성 105
제5장 개방진료 실태 및 추이 분석 107
제1절 개방병원 운영 신청 기준 109
제2절 개방병원제도 참여 기관 추이 110
제3절 개방진료 추이 113
제4절 개방진료 의료 이용량 추세 분석 139
제5절 요약 및 시사점 172
제6장 개방병원제도 운영 실태 양적 조사 175
제1절 개방병원 177
제2절 참여 개원의 208
제3절 요약 및 시사점 250
제7장 개방병원 운영 실태 질적 조사 255
제1절 연구 참여자의 일반적 특성 257
제2절 개방병원의 개방병원제도 운영 경험 257
제3절 참여의의 개방병원제도 운영 경험 293
제4절 요약 및 시사점 321
제8장 외국의 개방병원제도 고찰 325
제1절 미국 327
제2절 일본 334
제3절 외국 사례를 통한 시사점 340
제9장 개방병원제도 쟁점 및 개선 방안 343
제1절 수가 체계 개선 방안 345
제2절 의료분쟁 책임 분담 방안 355
제3절 관련법 개선 방안 362
제4절 소결 371
제10장 결론 및 정책 제언 373
참고문헌 379
Local ID
Research Monographs 2016-03
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
Health care > Health care resources
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