
Ways to vitalize ODA for health and social protection

Ways to vitalize ODA for health and social protection

김현경강신욱노대명이현주전진아 ; 강성욱 ; 박복영 ; 신상문 ; 조정윤 ; 허윤선 ; 이병재

Publication Year
Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
- 국내외 선행연구 검토
- 우리나라 ODA의 현황과 문제점
- 보건복지분야 ODA의 진단과 과제
- 보건복지분야 ODA 활성화 방안

This study explores the ways of promoting ODA for health and social protection in South Korea. After participating in OECD DAC in 2010, the amount of ODA of Korea grew fast. The second largest sector is health, but its type is mainly short-term project and hardware support. ODA for social protection is even less than 1% of total ODA of Korea. However, the post-2015 development agenda put emphasis on sustainable and inclusive growth, and these need development cooperation in social protection beyond basic health. And among recipient countries, low-income-countries(LICS) have demand for social protection after meeting some Millenium Development Goals. Based on global backgrounds and recipients’ demand, we need to consider how to vitalize ODA for health and social protection.
The ways are following: (1) We need to develop Deep(Development Experience Exchange Partnership) ODA in health and social systems. This is consistent in recipients’ capacity building for sustainable growth. Korea has strength in her experience of transition from recipient to donor country, so that developing countries can rather easily accommodate the experience. Therefore we need to operate KSP(Knowledge Sharing Program) that provides consultation of social policies and health programs. And academy partners are asked to do the regional studies in order to provide policy consultation based on the demand of recipient countries. (2) Strengthening capacity for monitoring and evaluation for rigorous and objective evaluation is necessary. For improvement of effectiveness of aid, we also need to monitor and evaluate longer-term programs and sectors like health.
Table Of Contents
Abstract 1
요 약 3
제1장 서론 7
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 9
제2절 연구의 주요 내용 및 방법 11
제3절 기대효과 13
제2장 한국 ODA의 현황과 과제 15
제1절 우리나라 대외원조 개관 17
제2절 대외원조의 규모와 배분 22
제3절 국제개발협력의 패러다임 변화 31
제4절 대외원조의 국내환경 41
제5절 우리나라 대외원조의 과제 50
제3장 보건복지분야 ODA의 현황과 시사점 63
제1절 OECD CRS로 본 보건복지분야 ODA 동향 65
제2절 유럽과 미국영국의 보건복지분야 ODA 현황과 시사점 77
제3절 아시아 지역 보건복지분야 ODA 현황과 시사점 107
제4장 한국 보건복지분야 ODA의 현황과 사례 133
제1절 보건의료 분야 135
제2절 사회보장 분야 173
제5장 결론: 요약과 활성화 방안 197
제1절 요약: 보건복지분야 ODA 현황과 문제점 199
제2절 활성화 방안 205
참고문헌 213
부록 217
Local ID
Research Monographs(Occasional)2015-06
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
General social security > International social security
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