
Work and Welfare Reconciliation Policies in Korea, Japan and China

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dc.description.abstract□ 한중일 비교연구는 향후 근로빈곤층 문제에 대한 정책수립과 관련해서 새로운 정책사례에 대한 연구자료를 축적하는데 일차적인 목적이 있음 ○ 지금까지 미진했던 동아시아국가의 사회보장제도 연구의 기틀을 마련하는 것임. 참고로 최근 일본에서 자활정책을 전국화하고 사회적기업법 제정을 준비하는 제반 추세에 대한 분석을 시도하는 것임. ○ 아울러 이들 국가와의 비교연구를 통해 향후 한국의 고용?복지연계정책의 방향 재정립과 관련한 연구 및 정책적 시사점을 도출하는 것임. 특히 미래에 대한 불안에 노출된 근로연령집단에 대한 사회보장제도를 새로운 관점에서 조망하고, 대안모색의 시급성을 알리는 계기를 마련하는데 그 목적이 있음.
dc.description.abstractThis study provides an analysis of work/welfare reconciliation policies(WWRP) in Korea, Japan and China, discussing how changes in employment and income distribution since 1990’s have led to reforms their social protection system. The focus of this study is the making and transition of WWRP in three east-asian countries, in the perspective of international comparison. Compared to the situation in the late 1990s, tensions and pressure triggered by rapid economic and social changes in these countries are much more challenging. Japan, plunged in a long-term economic recession and population ageing, has intense aspirations for economic recovery and social stabilization. In China, owing to a fragmented social security system in a rural?urban divided society, some of the rural migrants flooding the cities are often plunged to a trap of poverty, unemployment, and unequal treatment. Consequently, the Chinese government has initiate a reform of social security system (Social Insurance Act in 2010) and regional development programs in deprived areas since the late 2000s. In Korea, reform of social policies and social welfare policies were not the main concern of the government, even in the situation of repeated economic crises and increasing income inequality. However, no matter how much pain it may involve, reform is what Korea needs in its social protection system. These countries are in the midst of a historic transformation. The Japanese government initiate also the massive reform of social protection and tax systems in 2012. This reform focuses on social protection financing by increasing added-value tax, and support for the poor and the socially vulnerable. For China, it is time to make efforts to reduce its regional disparity and to improve social protection system while maintaining economic growth. Having been hit hard by a series of economic downturns since the last 1990s, Korea is in the face of challenges concerning economic growth, job creation, and redistribution. In the time of globalization, de-industrialization and ageing, maintaining the present growth momentum will require an alternative paradigm of growth and redistribution. It is necessary to reinforce the employment protection legislation, to create more decent jobs, include unprotected groups (the poor and non-regular workers) in social insurance, and to protect more deprived or poor families. It is also important to establish "work/welfare reconciliation strategies" to cope with the increasing income inequality and social exclusion. We can easily find the emergence and increase of working poor in these countries since 1990’s. The working poor may be unemployed or low-wage workers who are excluded from labor market and social protection system. They will be mainly homeless in Japan, migrant workers in China, and temporary workers in Korea, etc. Continued the study on working poor in our countries, we have tried to analyse and to compare the situation of working poor and the work/welfare reconciliation policies in recent years. Although they are very different in the political system, economic development and social protection system, we could find something in common : the prevailing position of economic growth and work in the WWRP. It means that the WWRP in east-asian countries was introduced and developed with the under-development of social protection policies for deprived groups.
dc.description.tableOfContentsAbstract 1 요약 5 제1장 서론 11 제1절 연구목적 11 제2절 연구방법 16 제3절 주요 연구내용 17 제2장 이론적 검토 23 제1절 고용‧복지 연계정책에 대한 이론적 검토 23 제2절 서구의 복지레짐과 동아시아 복지레짐 28 제3절 한‧중‧일 3국의 복지레짐 비교분석 32 제3장 한국의 사회보장제도와 고용‧복지 연계 47 제1절 서론 47 제2절 사회보장제도의 전개과정과 특성 48 제3절 고용‧복지 연계정책 67 제4절 개편동향 78 제4장 일본의 사회보장제도와 고용‧복지 연계 89 제1절 서론 89 제2절 산업발전단계에 따른 경제·사회구조의 변화 90 제3절 산업발전단계에 따른 사회정책의 변화 94 제4절 탈공업화에 따른 일본의 사회정책개혁 99 제5절 맺는말: 향후의 방향 116 제5장 중국의 사회보장제도와 고용‧복지 연계 121 제1절 중국 사회보장제도 및 공공부조 121 제2절 중국 도시의 근로빈곤층: 개념, 형성 원인, 계층의 특징, 그리고 사회보호정책 143 제6장 한‧중‧일 고용‧복지 연계정책의 비교 179 제1절 들어가며 179 제2절 이론적 검토 180 제3절 고용․복지 연계정책의 환경 진단 196 제4절 한‧중‧일 고용․복지 연계정책 특징 비교 212 제5절 맺으며 227 제7장 결론 및 시사점 233 제1절 결론 233 제2절 몇 가지 제언 236 참고문헌 239
dc.publisherKorea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Korea (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR)
dc.rightsKOGL BY-NC-ND
dc.title고용∙복지연계정책의 국제비교연구 - 한∙중∙일 비교를 중심으로
dc.title.alternativeWork and Welfare Reconciliation Policies in Korea, Japan and China
dc.identifier.localId연구보고서 2013-18
dc.identifier.localIdResearch Monographs 2013-18
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
General social security > International social security
Income protection > Welfare-to-work
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