
An analysis of healthcare market competition in Korea

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dc.description.abstract□ 의료서비스시장에서의 병원간 경쟁양상과 시장진입 결정 요인 분석 및 정책 대안 제시 □ 병원간 경쟁수준이 공급자 행태에 미치는 영향분석 및 정책대안 제시 □ 의료서비스 시장에서의 병원경영 효율성에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석 및 정책 대안 제시
dc.description.abstractDemand and supply of healthcare service in Korea tend to rely on market mechanism given the fact that health care service is delivered mostly by private sector and patients are free to choose hospitals. In fact, since the introduction of universal coverage in Korea, demand and supply of healthcare resources are managed indirectly through national insurance fee. However, Korean health care system is still strongly influenced by supply and demand of the market mechanism. Thus, negative consequences including imbalanced provision of healthcare resources, hospitals with financial difficulties in rural areas, concentration of patients in hospitals of metropolitan area and others are becoming the social issues. The study is to understand phenomena in regard to health care system in Korea by analyzing factors affecting patients’ choice of hospitals and the effects that competition structure and environmental changes have on healthcare providers’ behavior and management efficiency. It also is to discuss policies over utilization of healthcare resources in socially appropriate level and development of fair competitive environment. In conclusion, A policy which corrects distribution of healthcare resources in supply side is suggested in order to address the issues in hand. It is also suggested to develop a mid-long term plan in both regional and national level and to conduct strategies to effectively implement the plan. Also, constructing a fair competitive environment where patients can make informed choices with accurate prices and quality of healthcare services is considered to be a way to reduce such negative impacts brought by competition in healthcare market.
dc.description.tableOfContentsAbstract 1 요 약 3 제1장 연구개요 11 1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 11 2. 연구내용 및 방법 12 제2장 국내 환자의 병원선택 모형 17 1. 서론 17 2. 병원선택 모형 선행연구 19 3. 데이터 26 4. 환자의 병원선택 모델 36 5. 추정결과 41 6. 결론 51 제3장 병원 경쟁과 공급자 행태 61 1. 서론 61 2. 병원의 경쟁구조와 행태관련 선행연구 63 3. 의료서비스 시장 경쟁수준 측정 67 4. 의료서비스 시장 경쟁과 Medical Arms Race 79 5. 결론 100 제4장 병원경쟁과 경영효율성 117 1. 병원 경영효율성 분석 필요성 117 2. 병원 경영효율성 분석 방법 119 3. 병원경쟁이 경영효율성에 미치는 영향 실증분석 126 4. 결론 135 제5장 의료자원 배분정책과 경쟁정책 139 1. 서론 139 2. 주요국의 보건의료자원 배분정책과 시사점 149 3. 병원 및 의료서비스 시장 경쟁정책 170 4. 시사점 183 참고문헌 185
dc.publisherKorea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Korea (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR)
dc.rightsKOGL BY-NC-ND
dc.title의료서비스산업의 경쟁구조 및 경영효율성에 관한 연구
dc.title.alternativeAn analysis of healthcare market competition in Korea
dc.subject.keyword병원선택 모형
dc.subject.keyword공급자 행태
dc.subject.keyword의료자원 배분정책
dc.identifier.localId연구보고서 2013-03
dc.identifier.localIdResearch Monographs 2013-03
dc.subject.kihasa보건의료 서비스
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
Health care > Health care service
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