
A study for improving management and operation of National Health Promotion Fund

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dc.description.abstract□ 본 연구는 국민건강증진기금 조성 이후 2012년까지의 기금사업(대민사업, 연구사업 등)의 사업현황을 분석하여, 기금사업내용의 적합성과 성과를 평가하고, 향후 기금을 통한 사업을 효과적으로 운용하기 위한 중장기 발전방향과 건강증진기금 지원사업 결과의 효과적 활용과 확산방안을 제시하고자 함.
dc.description.abstractNational Health Promotion Fund was founded in 1995 based on National Health Promotion Act and mostly funded by tobacco tax. It has played an important role in distribution and development of health promotion programme in Korea. However, there are several issues to be resolved in management of the fund. First of all, legislation for spending ?the ?fund is not clear. Also, it is insufficient to utilize the fund directly for health promotion, since significant portion of the fund has been spending on other indirect purposes -such as health insurance support, R&D for health industry, funding medical fees for certain diseases, and support for Korean Center for Disease Control. The allocation for health improvement including?health promotion?researches and activities to expand of?healthy lifestyle?is rather a small part of the fund. Moreover, the outcomes of existing researches are not fully utilized and expanded. This study is to review current status and problems of National Health Promotion Fund and to suggest policy options for improving management of the fund, also its development strategies. The method adopted in this study includes analysis of administration data and budgetary document, review of existing literature associated with National Health Promotion Fund, survey of experts’ opinions, and comparison with other countries`s health promotion foundation such as Australia’s, Thailand’s, and Switzerland’s. This study suggests five recommendations for effective operation of National Health Promotion Fund and its development strategies. First, it is necessary to enhance the status of health promotion fund committee in order to establish effective governance system and control tower of Health Promotion Fund. Second, it is recommend to revising legislation that defines the scope of application and priority of spending health promotion fund. The portion to support health insurance and other purposes such as budget use of?general accounting programs out of the fund should be reduced step by step. Third, public acknowledgement of health promotion programme should be expanded through wide range of promotional activities including media/non-media, social marketing, and nationwide campaign to emphasize and promote healthy life practices. Fourth, It is required to expand health promotion research, establish quality management system and monitor performance of health promotion programmes. Finally, to effectively activate all aforementioned recommendations, it is necessary to reform National Health Promotion Act and enact its managerial regulation.
dc.description.tableOfContentsAbstract 1 요약 3 목 차 제1장 서론 15 제1절 연구배경 및 목적 15 제2절 연구내용 및 방법 20 제2장 이론적 고찰 및 선행연구 29 제1절 이론적 고찰 : 건강증진 개념과 범위 29 제2절 선행연구 45 제3장 건강증진기금 운영현황 및 문제점 51 제1절 법제도 51 제2절 기금의 관리운영 거버넌스 57 제3절 건강증진기금 재원배분 67 제4절 건강증진기금 사업활동 84 제5절 건강증진기금사업의 평가, 활용 및 확산 현황 109 제4장 외국 건강증진기금사업 사례 비교분석 131 제1절 건강증진기금 운용국가들의 건강증진 사업 131 제2절 건강증진기금 비운용 국가들의 건강증진 사업 156 제3절 우리나라 건강증진사업에 주는 시사점 198 제5장 건강증진기금 운영의 개선 발전방안 203 제1절 기본방향 203 제2절 건강증진기금 관리운영(거버넌스) 개선 206 제3절 건강증진기금의 사용과 예산배분 개선 222 제4절 건강증진 연구, 사업평가 및 활용 개선 241 제5절 법제도 개선 257 제6장 결론 267 참고문헌 272 부록 285 조사표 285
dc.publisherKorea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Korea (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR)
dc.rightsKOGL BY-NC-ND
dc.title국민건강증진기금사업의 운영현황과 개선방안 연구
dc.title.alternativeA study for improving management and operation of National Health Promotion Fund
dc.identifier.localId연구보고서 2013-02
dc.identifier.localIdResearch Monographs 2013-02
KIHASA Research
Subject Classification
Health care > Health promotion
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