
아동청소년복지 수요에 기반한 복지공급체계 재편방안 연구Ⅱ : 지역유형별 사례를 중심으로 = The demand based welfare service reform for children and the youth : case studies on urban and rural areas

아동청소년복지 수요에 기반한 복지공급체계 재편방안 연구Ⅱ : 지역유형별 사례를 중심으로 = The demand based welfare service reform for children and the youth : case studies on urban and rural areas

김미숙 ; 김성천 ; 정익중 ; 이혜원 ; 오승환 ; 이주연 ; 신어진

- 아동ㆍ청소년 복지공급주체에 대한 이론적 고찰: 유형 및 기능

- 복지국가 유형별 아동ㆍ청소년 복지 공급체계 고찰

- 우리나라 아동ㆍ청소년 복지 공급주체 역학관계 분석

- 아동ㆍ청소년 복지 수요에 기반한 공급체계 구축

This study aims to examine the current status and the various issues of the child welfare service supply and to propose recommendations on where it can improve. In order to overcome the weakness of a top-down approach, this study adopts a bottom-up approach by examining how the service recipients access the welfare system and how the service workers provide welfare services.
Considering the high needs of welfare services of children and youth in Korea, service infrastructure is still quite insufficient. For instance, the National Basic Livelihood Security services covers only 420,000 children and youth, only 45.7% of 920,000 children under the absolute poverty level. Most welfare service provision for children and youth are residual, targeting low-income needy children.
In addition, while the child welfare workforce is in great shortage, a long-term plan to provide the welfare service workforce to service fields has not been made yet. Especially, the number of trained services workers for children and youth in high risks(those who experience complex problems such as abuse and delinquency) is few and welfare workers are troubled in the vicious circle of low-payment, long work-hour and frequent turnover. This often lowers the quality of welfare services toward children and youths.
The welfare services for children and youths is delivered through a dual-system, one from the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the other from the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. Therefore, there is room to improve the efficiency of the service delivery system and the expertise of service workers.
Case studies on the networking and the case management in 3 local communities were conducted. Personal interviews with agency service workers(both public and private) and the focus-group interviews were implemented in Gwan-ak Gu in Seoul, Ansan-city in Kyunnggi-do and Wanju-gun in Cheolabuk-do. The interview analysis shows below results.
First, the local community has not made any consensus both on the rationale and the standards of the case management services for children and youths. Thus, the case management services in a single community shows various types and standards, which often differentiates the quality of services. Secondly, the agencies are in need of qualified case management workers. Thirdly, local agencies suffers from insufficient budget and opportunities to train man-power. Lastly, there are difficulties to evaluate case management service and to properly provide supervision to service workers.
Based on the findings of the interviews, this study proposes a number of recommendations with a view to improve welfare supply system for children and youth. Those are to expand universal services for children and youth, to reorganize the delivery system of welfare services, to establish workforce supply plan and to build infrastructure of case management services.
제1장 서론
제1절 연구 필요성과 목적
제2절 연구내용
제3절 연구방법

제2장 아동청소년 복지공급 체계에 대한 이론적 고찰
제1절 아동청소년 복지공급체계의 개념
제2절 외국의 아동청소년 복지공급체계의 유형
제3절 시사점

제3장 아동청소년 복지공급체계 현황과 문제점
제1절 아동청소년 복지수요 현황
제2절 아동청소년 복지공급 현황
제3절 아동청소년 복지공급체계 문제점

제4장 지역별 아동청소년 복지공급체계 현황과 문제점
제1절 조사개요
제2절 대도시: 서울시 관악구 사례
제3절 중소도시: 경기도 안산시 사례
제4절 농산어촌: 전라북도 완주군 사례

제5장 아동청소년 복지공급체계 재편방안
제1절 수요에 기반한 복지공급 확충방안
제2절 수요에 기반한 전달체계와 인력체계 확충방안
제3절 수요에 기반한 사례관리 및 네트워크 활성화 방안
제6장 결론

보고서 번호
연구보고서 2009-17
KIHASA 주제 분류
사회보장 일반 > 지역사회보장
사회서비스 > 아동복지
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다운로드 파일


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