
식품안전관리 선진화를 위한 취약점 중점 관리방안 구축 = A Study of the Establishment of Management Plan for Advancement of Food Safety Management

식품안전관리 선진화를 위한 취약점 중점 관리방안 구축 = A Study of the Establishment of Management Plan for Advancement of Food Safety Management

정기혜 ; 김정선 ; 윤시몬 ; 신정훈 ; 김은정 ; 정진욱

- 식품안전관리체계에 관한 국가적 진단
- 식품사고 및 대응조치 분석
- 식품위해정보의 조기 수집체계 분석
- 식품 위해물질 예측 및 관리방안 모색
- 식품검사기관의 선진화 및 국제화 방안 마련

This paper aims to establish a management plan for the advancement of food safety management after detecting and analyzing weakness in food safety during 2009 and investigating how the weakness in food safety is controlled in foreign countries. It includes the followings; i) government-led diagnosis on a food safety management system, ii) analysis on the response to food accidents, iii) analysis on the organizational restructuring and basic plan of KFDA, iv) examination on expert awareness, v) analysis on the prediction and control plan of hazardous materials, vi) investigation of the operation and management of a food inspection organization, vii) analysis on the collection system of food hazardous information and viii) development of a plan for advancement of food safety.
In terms of research methods, the followings have been conducted; collection of basic data and bibliographical study, analysis on domestic and foreign food safety management system, awareness survey, policy talk, advisory council meeting and statistical analysis. Regarding a basic direction for conclusion and policy suggestions, the followings have been considered; i) response to future environmental change, ii) improvement of expertise through the rationalization of regulations and ii) consumer-centered safety management. Then, the following suggestions have been made: 1. Establishment of a current system integration plan, new organization and current system maintenance plan for improvement of a food safety management system. In addition, food safety-related regulation improvement plan has been established 2. Establishment of a hazardous material control system, development of a specific execution plan, integrated control on food chains, improvement of the preliminary control on hazardous materials in imported foods, establishment of work allotment (for central and local governments) and a plan for additional control on hazardous materials to strengthen the control on hazardous materials 3. Standardization of food inspection organizations by adopting world-level inspection criteria as a part of nurturing an advanced food inspection organization, supply of how to make practical standard operating procedures (SOP) and establishment of a government support and control plan 4. Collection and analysis of the information on hazardous materials, improvement of the functions of Food Safety Information Center, enhancement of information collection system, maximization of the use of the information on hazardous foods, active participate in Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) and improvement of consumer education and PR strategies
제1장 서론
제1절 연구 필요성 및 배경
제2절 연구목적
제3절 연구내용
제4절 연구 및 분석방법
제5절 연구추진 체계

제2장 식품안전분야 취약점 도출
제1절 식품사고 발생 현황 및 대응방안 분석
제2절 식품의약품안전청의 조직개편
제3절 전문가 등 조사

제3장 식품안전관리체계 현황 및 문제점
제1절 식품안전관리체계
제2절 식품유해물질 관리 현황 및 문제점
제3절 국내 식품위생검사기관 현황 및 문제점

제4장 식품안전분야 취약점 개선을 위한 정책제언
제1절 식품안전관리 규제 일원화 등 안전관리체계 개선
제2절 식품유해물질 관리 강화
제3절 식품검사기관의 선진화 방안
제4절 식품유해정보 수집체계 개선


부 록
부록 1. 전문가, 소비자 조사표
부록 2. 일본의 식품위생법 위해원인물질
부록 3. 외국의 환경성 질환관리
보고서 번호
연구보고서 2009-06
KIHASA 주제 분류
보건의료 > 식품/의약품
메타데이터 전체 보기

다운로드 파일


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