
2011년 인터넷 건강정보 게이트웨이 시스템 구축 및 운영 = 2011 Development and Operation of Gateway System for Internet Health Information

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dc.description.abstract-수요자 건강정보 욕구조사/분석 -최신 정보화정책 및 정보기술(IT) 동향 분석 -국내외 IT에 기반한 건강(정보)관리서비스 현황분석 -건강(정보)관리서비스 비전 및 전략 수립 -맞춤형 온라인 건강정보 서비스 체계 구축 - 스마트폰 서비스 체계 구축
dc.description.abstractThe Health Information Park (, a search gateway system, has been in operation for 7 years since established in 2004 to provide easy access to quality health information on the Internet. In 2011, as the number of smart phone users continues to increase, a mobile website ( was launched to help such users obtain health information without time and spatial constraints. Also, a health information search engine which is interoperable has been developed by using a semantic web content publishing model based on meta data and a standard glossary of statistical terms. In addition, additional services have been added to enhance user convenience, including a road map for hospitals and clinics, a search service, and information on new health apps. The Health Information Park has so far accumulated 6,944 items of health news, 101 cases of self diagnosis plus 11 types of health recommendation under health contents, 30 information items on patient support groups, 2,892 health education contents, 49 health apps, 13,466 pieces of information on healthy living styles (12 themes), 11,996 items of information on diseases (17 themes), 6,750 information pieces on body parts, 6,107 items of age-related information, 195 columns written by experts, 2,025 pieces of advice on healthy practices, and an archive of 141 health webzines. The average daily visit to the site is 3,258 in 2011, 1.3 times increase from 2,505 in 2010, a success of the promotion of the Health Information Park. The results of an "online survey on the demand of health information and users' satisfaction" Aug. 3 ~ 24, 2011 present that there was a positive feedback on the quality of information and services provided, but the functional aspects of the services such as users' convenience and easy access to information were perceived to be of low quality. For better services in the future, the Health Information Park should provide user-oriented health information; expand social media services; introduce a health information evaluation system; and establish ontology based health information, methods to enhance user access, health information management based on Case-Based Reasoning, and methods to protect health information.
dc.description.abstractThe Health Information Park (, a search gateway system, has been in operation for 7 years since established in 2004 to provide easy access to quality health information on the Internet. In 2011, as the number of smart phone users continues to increase, a mobile website ( was launched to help such users obtain health information without time and spatial constraints. Also, a health information search engine which is interoperable has been developed by using a semantic web content publishing model based on meta data and a standard glossary of statistical terms. In addition, additional services have been added to enhance user convenience, including a road map for hospitals and clinics, a search service, and information on new health apps. The Health Information Park has so far accumulated 6,944 items of health news, 101 cases of self diagnosis plus 11 types of health recommendation under health contents, 30 information items on patient support groups, 2,892 health education contents, 49 health apps, 13,466 pieces of information on healthy living styles (12 themes), 11,996 items of information on diseases (17 themes), 6,750 information pieces on body parts, 6,107 items of age-related information, 195 columns written by experts, 2,025 pieces of advice on healthy practices, and an archive of 141 health webzines. The average daily visit to the site is 3,258 in 2011, 1.3 times increase from 2,505 in 2010, a success of the promotion of the Health Information Park. The results of an "online survey on the demand of health information and users' satisfaction" Aug. 3 ~ 24, 2011 present that there was a positive feedback on the quality of information and services provided, but the functional aspects of the services such as users' convenience and easy access to information were perceived to be of low quality. For better services in the future, the Health Information Park should provide user-oriented health information; expand social media services; introduce a health information evaluation system; and establish ontology based health information, methods to enhance user access, health information management based on Case-Based Reasoning, and methods to protect health information.
dc.description.tableOfContentsAbstract 1 요약 3 제1장 서론 15 제1절 연구의 배경 및 필요성 15 제2절 연구목적 18 제3절 연구내용 및 방법 19 제4절 건강정보 서비스 최신기술 20 제2장 국내외 인터넷 건강정보관리 및 서비스 현황 29 제1절 국내 현황 29 제2절 국외 현황 37 제3장 온톨로지 기반 인터넷 건강정보 구축 방안 59 제1절 분산 콘텐츠 생성 모델 61 제2절 메타데이터와 온톨로지 63 제4장 「건강정보광장」 추가개발 및 시스템 75 제1절 개발 기본계획 수립 75 제2절 개발내용 75 제5장 「건강정보광장」 자료구축 현황 99 제1절 자료구축 현황 99 제2절 시스템 구성 119 제6장 「건강정보광장」 평가 및 홍보 127 제1절 정량적 평가 127 제2절 정성적평가(만족도 및 수요조사) 142 제3절 건강정보 홍보 180 제7장 결론 및 정책제언 189 제1절 결론 189 제2절 정책제언 191 참고문헌 205 부록 213 부록 1. 「건강정보광장」 이용자 실태 및 만족도 조사 213 부록 2. 「건강정보광장」 협력기관 현황 217 부록 3. 「건강정보광장」 데이터베이스 설계 220 부록 4. 「건강정보광장」 인터넷 건강정보 평가틀 및 평가표 223
dc.publisherKorea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Korea (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR)
dc.rightsKOGL BY-NC-ND
dc.title2011년 인터넷 건강정보 게이트웨이 시스템 구축 및 운영
dc.title.alternative2011 Development and Operation of Gateway System for Internet Health Information
dc.subject.keyword2011년 인터넷 건강정보
dc.subject.keyword게이트웨이 시스템 구축
dc.identifier.localId연구보고서 2011-46
dc.identifier.localIdResearch Monographs 2011-46
dc.subject.kihasa보건복지 정보화
KIHASA 주제 분류
사회보장 일반 > 보건복지 정보화
보건의료 > 건강증진
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