
신노년층(베이비붐세대)의 건강실태 및 장기요양 이용욕구 분석과 정책과제 = Current Situations of Health Status and Future Needs of Long-Term Care Utilization of Baby-boomers and Policy Issues

신노년층(베이비붐세대)의 건강실태 및 장기요양 이용욕구 분석과 정책과제 = Current Situations of Health Status and Future Needs of Long-Term Care Utilization of Baby-boomers and Policy Issues

선우덕 ; 김동진 ; 송양민 ; 김나영 ; 이윤경 ; 유혜영

신노년층(베이비붐세대) ; 장기요양보장체계
◈ 신노년층의 건강 및 장기요양관련 가치관
◈ 신노년층의 건강 및 장기요양보장체계에 대한 영향분석: 선진국사례
◈ 신노년층의 노년기진입에 대비한 현행 건강 및 장기요양보장체계의 개선방안 모색

This report was written to review the current health status and intention of the future public long-term care service benefits and to suggest policy issues for designing baby boomers' health and long-term care service systems, who were born in 1955~63 year.
In Korea, the improvement of income level of baby boomers by economic development probably have contributed much to their better health status as a result of buying qualitative health care services and in addition, of decreasing in communicable diseases through the improvement of environmental hygiene and living arrangements. On the other hand, increase in chronic diseases such as obesity or diabetes which caused by a change to the western style diet probably have contributed much to their worse health status.
The characteristics of analytic results of baby boomers' health and long-term care needs are as follows. Firstly, the prevalence of drinking alcohols and physical exercise has been increasing, compared to earlier generations. Those patterns is inferred to be a way of healing occupational stresses or tensions. Therefore, a variety of preventive programs for healing stresses or tensions in work places should be developed and activated. Secondly, the increase in obesity as a result of western style diet turned out growth of the prevalence of hypertension or diabetes as well as osteoporosis. Therefore, dietary programs targeting forties should be developed and activated. Thirdly, despite of increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases mortality by cancers, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is decreasing gradually. It means that the premature deaths in forties and fifties have been improving by the benefit of development of medical technologies. Finally, with the result of reviewing whether to use the public long-term care services, while the providence intention of those institutional care services to their parents depends on their social-economic status, the usage intention of those institutional care services depends on marriage status, household patterns or employment status as well as social-economic status.
Conclusionally, in order to stabilize the future financial status of health insurance and public long-term care insurance programs it can be said that it is important to develop policies for controlling undesirable health behaviour or isolated living patterns in baby boomers.
제1장 서론
제1절 연구배경 및 목적
제2절 연구내용 및 방법

제2장 신노년층(베이비붐세대)의 건강형성에 미친 사회환경적 변화
제1절 사회경제적 환경의 변화
제2절 보건의료적 정책의 변화

제3장 신노년층(베이비붐세대)의 건강상태
제1절 일반적 건강상태
제2절 건강실천행위
제3절 유병상태 및 치료행태

제4장 신노년층(베이비붐세대)의 장기요양관련 욕구실태
제1절 장기요양관련 의식수준
제2절 장기요양서비스비용의 추계

제5장 현행 신노년층(베이비붐세대)을 위한 건강 및 장기요양정책의 실태
제1절 건강정책
제2절 장기요양정책

제6장 정책제언 및 결론
제1절 정책제언
제2절 결론


부 록
보고서 번호
연구보고서 2010-30-20
KIHASA 주제 분류
보건의료 > 건강증진
사회서비스 > 노인복지
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