DC Field | Value |
dc.contributor.author | 이삼식 |
dc.contributor.author | 최효진 |
dc.contributor.author | 정혜은 |
dc.date.accessioned | 2011-03-11T01:49:51Z |
dc.date.available | 2011-03-11T01:49:51Z |
dc.date.issued | 2010 |
dc.identifier.isbn | 978-89-8187-713-2 |
dc.identifier.uri | https://repository.kihasa.re.kr/handle/201002/6109 |
dc.description.abstract | ◈ 이론적 고찰을 통한 연구틀 설정 ◈ 저출산정책의 현황 분석 ◈ 주요 저출산정책의 효과성에 관한 분석 실시 ◈ 향후 저출산정책의 실효성 제고를 위한 정책방안 제안 |
dc.description.abstract | Korea has experienced a sharp demographic transition from high fertility at 6.0 to low fertility at around 1.1 in half a century. In response to such a low fertility phenomenon, Korean Government has implemented the First Basic Plan for Low Fertility and Aged Society (2006~2010) since 2006. This study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of several major policies designed to increase fertility level. The policies under evaluation included subsidy for daycare cost, tax benefits, supply of public daycare facilities, supply of workplace daycare facilities, diversification of daycare services, maternity leave, and childcare leave. Three methods were applied for evaluation to increase objectiveness and reliance of the results; they included time-series regression model, cross-sectional regression model, and micro-data regression model. For micro-data analysis, ‘2009 National Survey on Marriage and Fertility’ results were used. The results from the models could be summarized as follows; Firstly, the subsidy for daycare cost appeared to have significant impact on TFR and the expected number of children, although no statistical significance was found on regional difference in TFR which might be due to the application of same criteria over all regions. Secondly, tax benefits appeared to have an effect for increasing the expected number of children, specifically with stronger statistical significance on the elderly group of women. Thirdly, the supply of public daycare facilities, the supply of workplace daycare facilities appeared, and the diversification of daycare services appeared to have no impact on fertility with statistical significance; the supply of those daycare facilities or services had been too much restricted and/or private daycare facilities could compensate for such restrictions. Finally, the maternity leave showed no directed effect on fertility level; its effect could appear indirectly through protecting fecundibility. It should be mentioned that the evaluation of policies in relation to low fertility continue with longer time framework and more sufficient and relevant data. |
dc.description.tableOfContents | 제1장 서론 제1절 연구 배경 및 연구 목적 제2절 연구 내용 제3절 연구 방법 제2장 선행연구 고찰 제1절 저출산정책의 효과성 평가 개념 제2절 저출산정책의 효과성 분석 사례 제3절 저출산정책의 효과성 분석방법 검토 제4절 선행연구 고찰의 시사점 및 연구틀 제3장 저출산정책 진단 제1절 보육?유아교육비 지원 정책 제2절 보육시설 확충 정책 제3절 일-가정 양립 제고 정책 제4장 저출산정책의 효과성 분석 제1절 효과성 분석 모형 제2절 효과성 분석모형의 변수 제3절 분석 결과 제4절 종합 논의 제5장 결론 참고문헌 부록 |
dc.format | application/pdf |
dc.language | kor |
dc.publisher | 한국보건사회연구원 |
dc.publisher | Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs |
dc.rights | Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Korea (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR) |
dc.rights | KOGL BY-NC-ND |
dc.rights.uri | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/kr/ |
dc.rights.uri | http://www.kogl.or.kr/info/licenseType4.do |
dc.title | 저출산정책 효과성 평가 연구 |
dc.title.alternative | Evaluation on Effectiveness of Policies in Response to Low Fertility |
dc.type | Book |
dc.type.local | Report |
dc.subject.keyword | 저출산정책 |
dc.subject.keyword | 효과성 |
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthor | 이삼식 |
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthor | 최효진 |
dc.type.other | 연구보고서 |
dc.identifier.localId | 연구보고서 2010-30-15 |
dc.identifier.localId | Research Monographs 2010-30-15 |
dc.subject.kihasa | 저출산대응 |
dc.subject.kihasa | 가족변화 |
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