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국민연금 재정 안정화 방안: 재정 추계 및 시사점 도출 중심으로

2012년사회정책연합공동학술대회:한국사회정책의방향모색:복지와노동의조화, 2012-10-12, 10:00, 한신대학교

Ninth Actuarial Valuation of the Employees' Social Security Fund

Malaysia SOCSO Board Meeting, 2012-01-12, 말레이시아 쿠칭

Old-age Income Preparation of Korean Baby Boomers and Policy Implications

International Conference on Linkage between retirement and pension system, 2012-11-19, 15:40~17:00, 코리아나 호텔 글로리아홀(7층)

Old-age Income Preparation of Korean Baby-boomers and Policy Implications

근로와노후소득보장제도간연계에관한국제회의, 2012-11-19, 09:00, 글로리아홀
