
자녀 양육 지원 정책 평가와 개선 방안 = Evaluation and Policy Implications on Child Care Support

자녀 양육 지원 정책 평가와 개선 방안 = Evaluation and Policy Implications on Child Care Support

신윤정고제이이지혜 ; 윤자영

저출산 ; 가족정책 ; 영유아 자녀 양육 ; 0~5세 보육교육비 지원 ; 아동양육수당 ; 육아휴직
□ 본 연구에서는 국내 가정의 자녀 양육 현황을 분석하고 정부 정책을 평가함으로써 다가오는 저출산 고령사회 시대에 대응하고 통합적인 사회 구축을 위한 자녀 양육 지원 개선 방안을 도출하고자 함. 세부적인 연구목적은 아래와 같음
○ 자녀 양육을 위한 현금지원?서비스지원?시간지원의 정책 평가 및 개선 방안
○ 국가?가정?사회 간의 자녀 양육 분담 현황 평가 및 개선 방안
○ 수평적 및 수직적 형평성 추구를 위한 자녀 양육 지원 정책 평가 및 개선 방안

This study aims to evaluate the effects of childcare support policies on relieving the economic burden of households with childcare responsibilities. We use the data from Korea Welfare Panel Survey (KOWEPS) to analyze the effects childcare policies on households of different levels of income and different number of children. In this study, the childcare support policies are categorized into three areas: cash benefits including allowances and tax benefits; supports for childcare services; and parental leave system. We revise and use the indices from French family policy evaluation and the OECD Family database.
The results present that cash benefits childcare households received from the government have been increased. Although the government expanded tax benefits for households with two or more children, the amount of childcare households’ tax refund has not increased by much, with middle-income households receiving the least. Households with one child aged under 6 received more cash benefits per child than households with two or more children. Household expenditure on childcare services decreased little even as families received more benefits for childcare services from the government than they had before. The increase in parental leave benefits and the change of benefits from fixed amounts to fixed rates in real term has increased the income replacement level of parental leave benefits. Under the fixed amount system, the increase in parental leave benefits was more beneficial to low income households. However, the change to fixed rates system had a favorable effect on households with an income above the average and dual- income families.
From these results, we suggest that cash benefits or benefits for childcare services will be needed on a continued basis for low-income households to help them invest more in their children. For middle- or upper-income households, we suggest that they will need policies that fit their specific needs. And all childcare support policies should take into account households with two or more children to have more benefits. To improve the parental leave system, it should be changed to raise its accessibility so that more fathers and more women working on a non-regular basis can benefit from it.
Abstract 1
요약 3
제1장 서론 11
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 13
제2절 연구의 내용 및 방법 15
제2장 수급분석 문헌고찰 17
제1절 보육서비스 시설 공급 19
제2절 보육서비스 질 25
제3장 보육서비스 공급 현황 29
제1절 서비스시설 유형 31
제2절 공급정책 34
제3절 공급변화 43
제4절 이용 아동 현황 49
제4장 보육서비스 양적 수급분석 59
제1절 지역별 공급 현황 61
제2절 지역별 보육서비스 수급분석 73
제5장 보육서비스 질적 적정성 분석 79
제1절 서비스 질 평가 요소 81
제2절 GAP 분석 87
제3절 중요도-만족도 분석 108
제4절 연령별 이용시설 비교 114
제6장 결론 및 정책제언 123
제1절 결론 및 시사점 125
제2절 정책제언 129
참고문헌 133
부록 137
보고서 번호
연구보고서 2013-31-03
KIHASA 주제 분류
사회서비스 > 아동복지
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