Showing results 1 to 12 of 15
사회예산분석, 소득분배, 세무, 마이크로 시뮬레이션 모델링, Social Budget Analysis, Income Distribution, Taxation, Micro-Simulation Modeling
공적연금, 노후소득보장, 노동시장, 마이크로시뮬레이션 모형, Public Pension, Old-age Income Security, Labour Market, Microsimulation Model
재정추계모형, 보험수리, 공적연금, Financial Projection Model, Actuarial Mathematics, Public Pension
인구분석, 소득보장, Population Analysis, Income Maintenance Policy
연금, 노후소득보장, 공공재정, Pension, Old Age Income Security, Public Finance
연금제도, 소득보장정책, 복지정책, 노동시장, 비교사회정책, Old-age Income Security, Income Security Policy, Social Welfare Policy, Labour Market, Comparative Social Policy
사물인터넷, IT성과평가, 빅데이터, 사회조사, 정보기술, 경영정보, IoT, IT Performance Evaluation, Bigdata, Social Survey, Information Technology, MIS
조세, 재정, 사회보장정책, 모델링, Tax, Finance, Social Security Policy, Modeling
복지경제, 복지국가, 복지재정, 복지전달체계, 지역복지, Economics of Welfare, Welfare State, Welfare Financing, Welfare Delivery System, Community Welfare
주거빈곤, 주거복지, 노숙인 정책, Housing Poverty, Housing Welfare, Homeless Policy
빈곤, 사회정책, 효과성 평가, Poverty, Social Policy, Effectiveness Evaluation
복지정책, 사회통합, 소득보장, 연금제도, comparative social policy, social welfare policy, old-age income security, social cohesion