
아시아 국가의 사회정책 비교연구: 빈곤정책 = Poverty Reduction Policies in Selected Asian Countries: Trends, Strategies and Challenges

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dc.description.abstract빈곤의 원인이 사회, 역사, 문화, 경제 등 다각적인 요인들에 기인한다는 인식 하에, 아시아국가 중 정부의 탈빈곤 전략 수립시 보다 많은 복합성을 감안해야 하는 8개국(라오스, 말레이시아, 미얀 마, 베트남, 인도네시아, 캄보디아, 태국, 필리핀)을 선정해, 빈곤 유발요인과 탈빈곤 전략을 살펴보았음
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to explore causes and implications of poverty in selected Asian countries. It places a special emphasis on understanding multi-dimensionality of poverty by analyzing trends, strategies and challenges of poverty reduction policies in relatively less developed Southeast Asian countries; Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, and Philippines. Poverty stems from variety of socioeconomic, environmental and interpersonal factors that occur over the course of time and at all levels of population. It may stem from historical tragedies such as war and colonial occupation; isolated military regime; unpredictable or destined environmental factors, etc. In fact, UXO and mines in Lao PDR, residues of Vietnam war, seriously, hinders its nation's development effort; more than two decades of Myanmar's political as well as diplomatic stance isolated itself from the world and at the same time from opportunities for development and growth. Besides, Asia is considered as the most disaster prone region in the world since about 75% of the world’s natural disasters occurred in the Asia-Pacific region. The threat of environmental disasters is one of the main factors aggravating living conditions of the vulnerable population. Furthermore, incidences of natural disasters, such as flash floods and landslides are increasing due to climate change. It is, thus, important to depict country-specific as well as context-specific features of poverty. In the report, we scrutinized several government-led anti-poverty policies and the increasingly wide spheres of influence related to the onset, persistence, and consequences of poverty. We, thus, explored historical, environmental, religious, political factors which may exacerbate indigent condition of the vulnerable population in selected Southeast Asian countries. Besides, we emphasized a need to further develop effective, transparent and accountable mechanisms and administrative procedures at the operational levels as well as sectors of government. Ineffective pro-poor policies, distribution and delivery system as well as lack of qualified skilled personnel are all the crucial factors which may have huge impacts on poverty. Holistic and coordinated approach toward poverty and integration of various sectoral policies may serve as effective solution in tackling down poverty issues in southeast Asian developing countries.
dc.description.tableOfContentsAbstract 요 약 제1장 서론 제2장 라오스 제1절 탈빈곤 현황 및 전략 제2절 정부주도 탈빈곤정책의 효과성 분석 제3절 향후 전략 및 정책 제언 제4절 결론 제3장 말레이시아 제1절 탈빈곤정책 제2절 말레이시아의 탈빈곤 프로그램 제3절 탈빈곤 도전과제 제4절 분석 및 정책 제언 제4장 미얀마 제1절 빈곤 관련 역사적 배경 제2절 주요 공적 탈빈곤 정책 및 목표 제3절 탈빈곤 정책의 효과성과 도전과제에 대한 분석 제4절 제언 제5장 베트남 제1절 빈곤 감소 배경 제2절 탈빈곤 정책의 이행 결과 제6장 인도네시아 제1절 배경 제2절 빈곤현황 및 추이 제3절 빈곤감소 전략 제4절 탈빈곤 도전과제 및 정책제언 제7장 캄보디아 제1절 배경 제2절 빈곤 현황 및 감소 추이 제3절 수급자격의 표준화: 빈곤가구확인프로그램 (ID-POOR) 제4절 정책 제언 제5절 결론 제8장 태국 제1절 경제 성장과 빈곤 제2절 빈곤과 불평등 감소 정책 제3절 동반성장을 위한 정책안 제9장 필리핀 제1절 배경 제2절 빈곤 현황 제3절 결론 제10장 결론 참고문헌
dc.publisherKorea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Korea (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR)
dc.rightsKOGL BY-NC-ND
dc.title아시아 국가의 사회정책 비교연구: 빈곤정책
dc.title.alternativePoverty Reduction Policies in Selected Asian Countries: Trends, Strategies and Challenges
dc.identifier.localId연구보고서 2012-51
dc.identifier.localIdResearch Monographs 2012-51
KIHASA 주제 분류
사회보장 일반 > 국제사회보장
소득보장 > 공공부조
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