
아태 지역 및 유럽 지역의 건강영향평가와 정책동향 = Health Impact Assessment policy implementation in Asia Pacific countries and European countries

아태 지역 및 유럽 지역의 건강영향평가와 정책동향 = Health Impact Assessment policy implementation in Asia Pacific countries and European countries

최은진 ; 김지은 ; Peter Gry ; Gabriel Gulis

아태지역 ; 건강영향평가
◈ 중앙부처 정책 건강영향평가
◈ 건강영향평가 국제협력 사업
- 아시아 지역 환경보건 포럼 (Regional Forum on Environment and Health in Southeast and East Asian Countries) (에서 한국보건사회연구원이 건강영향평가 부문 Thematic Working Group의 의장직을 맡게 됨.
- 이 환경보건 포럼은 2010년 7월에 2010년-2013년까지 3개년 간의 실행계획 (work plan)을 채택할 예정임. 이에 각 회원국은 실행계획을 실행하는데 노력해야 함

Health status is affected by various factors including biological factors, individual life style and health behavior, and environmental factors. Especially, in Korea, the major health risk factors are comprised of following factors: 21.8% from healthy life style practice factors, 9.1% from biological factors, 3.6% from environmental factors(Choi, 2007). As we discovered from above statistical measures, factors which affect health of individual continue to be diversified.
Health determinants continue to be diversified with socioeconomic advancement, therefore, scientific and systematic study evaluation and management are on the rise as pressing projects. With rapidly changing social environment, it is very important to set the Health Impact Assessment(HIA) policy enforcement as a major legislation in the public health sector.
The Health Impact Assessment is also recommended by WHO and other international organizations. Most of European developing countries institutionalize HIA in their laws and operate its plan, however, Korea is yet in the beginning stage of HIA.
The Ministry of Environment has legislative foundation for Environment Impact Assessment(EIA), but targets of HIA within this law are limited to projects or policies related to selecting location plan for construction and transportation. In addition, this environment based HIA requirement will be discontinued as of the end of year 2012. "Health Impact Assessment" within the Environmental Public Health Law focuses on emission produced by a development project. We need more measures for HIA.
At the same time, these comprehensive and synthetic health impact assessment should begin from the public health management perspective. And systematic equipments and managing agencies are needed in order to operate HIA as a national key project.
Abstract 1

요약 19

제1장 서 론 35
제1절 연구의 배경 35
제2절 연구의 목적 41
제3절 연구의 내용 및 방법 41
제4절 기대효과 44

제2장 아시아태평양 TWG 운영의 경과 47
제1절 개요 47
제2절 건강영향평가 Thematic Working Group 작업의 경과 52
제3절 건강영향평가 TWG의 활동 경과 55
제4절 환경보건포럼 TF회의의 결과 61
제5절 소결 63

제3장 아태지역 건강영향평가 정책 67
제1절 동남아시아 및 동아시아 지역의 환경보건 포럼 67

제4장 유럽의 건강영향평가 정책 311
제1절 이론적 기반 311
제2절 연구방법 313
제3절 연구결과 314
제4절 고찰 327

제5장 결론 및 정책제언 333
제1절 결론 333
제2절 정책제언 334

참고문헌 337

부록 345
보고서 번호
연구보고서 2011-39-3
KIHASA 주제 분류
사회보장 일반 > 국제사회보장
보건의료 > 건강증진
보건의료 > 건강친화적 환경
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