
보건의료자원배분의 효율성 증대를 위한 모니터링시스템 구축 및 운영 = Development and Management of Monitoring System to Improve the Efficiency of Health Care Resources Allocation : Health Care Resources, Korea, 2010

보건의료자원배분의 효율성 증대를 위한 모니터링시스템 구축 및 운영 = Development and Management of Monitoring System to Improve the Efficiency of Health Care Resources Allocation : Health Care Resources, Korea, 2010

오영호 ; 도세록 ; 손창균 ; 박대순 ; 김진우 ; 윤강재 ; 문정운 ; 이기주 ; 홍미영

보건의료자원배분 ; 모니터링
-우리나라 보건의료자원의 총량적인 수급과 지역간 수급실태를 모니터링 할 수 있는 보건의료자원 수집/관리 시스템과 정보 분석시스템 그리고 정보제공시스템을 구축하고 개선함.
-보건의료자원 모니터링시스템을 통하여 우리나라 보건의료자원 실태를 파악하여 중앙정부와 시도 및 보건소 정책수립가 들에게 제공할 수 있는 보건의료시설, 인력, 장비 등 보건의료자원 정보를 생산함.

ㅁ Objectives
○ To develop and implement the health care resource monitoring system aimed at improving the efficiency of health care resource allocation

ㅁ Methods
○ Nationwide on-line survey based on the web system called HRSIC (Health Care Resources & Service Information Center)

ㅁ Procedures
○ To develop health care resources monitoring system
○ To inform the public health centers and medical institutions to conduct a survey
○ To conduct survey on health care institutions such as clinics and hospitals regarding health care resources
○ To conduct a follow-up survey to increase the accuracy and reliability of survey data
○ To manage health care resources monitoring system and analyze the survey data

ㅁ Results of the survey
○ As of June 2010, the total number of health care institutions in Korea, including pharmacies, reaches 80,687. The number of hospitals and clinics is 29,681, accounting for 36.8 % of the total number of health care institutions. There are 20,883 pharmacies nationwide, making up 25.9% of the total. The number of inpatient beds is 455,884.
○ As of June 2010, 84,489 physicians, 21,502 dentists, 16,198 herb doctors, 132,030 qualified nurses, 127,387 assistant nurses and 33,211 pharmacists, including part-time employees, are working in the health care institutions including drugstores.
○ As of June 2010, the number of medical equipments in Korea is as follows: 432 ANGIOs; 391 gamma cameras; 199 PETs; 1,993 CTs scanner; 950 MRIs; 729 ESWLs; 1,779 mamographs; and 266 radiation therapy equipments.

ㅁ Policy implications
○ Supply regulations on acute and long-term care bed are needed. According to the bed supply trends of OECD countries, acute and long-term care beds have either decreased or remained constant. However, the number of acute and long-term care bed per capita in Korea is higher than the OECD average. Moreover, the trends in Korea seem to be on the rise. In this sense, it is necessary to devise comprehensive measures to meet new and various health care needs for bed.
○ Changes in health insurance payment system are needed to avoid over-supply of medical equipments. It is found that among major medical equipments, the number of CT scanner, MRI, ESWL, and mammographs, except radiation therapy equipment per million population, is higher than the OECD average. The over-supply of medical equipments deepens supplier-induced demand, which may increase the national health care expenditures. Therefore, it is desirable to connect supply of medical equipments with health insurance payment system in order to control over-supply.
○ There seem to be regional disparities with respect to the distribution of health manpower. So it is important that medical policies be developed to minimize and alleviate the inequality of geographical distribution of health manpower. First of all, it is necessary to develop the monitoring system, which investigates into the demand and supply of health manpower and principles of the health manpower allocation based on the regional properties. In order to allocate manpower in efficient manner, the government should reconstruct manpower policy, develop health manpower allocation formula, re-establish self-sufficient catchment area for primary health care physician and reinforce public health manpower. These plans should be supported by the central and local governments, which perform the consistent and systematic allocation policies for health manpower, especially primary health care physicians who provide essential medical care services such as primary health care service, emergency care service, baby delivery service and etc.
제1장 서 론
제1절 조사의 배경
제2절 조사목적
제3절 조사의 법적 근거

제2장 조사 개요
제1절 추진 배경
제2절 조사 목적
제3절 조사 대상 및 조사 기간
1. 조사 대상
2. 조사 시점 및 기간
제4절 조사 내용
1. 전반적 내용
2. 일반 현황 및 시설 현황
3. 인력 현황
4. 의료장비 현황
5. 약국 현황 실태
제5절 조사 방법
제6절 조사 교육 및 조사 지도 방법
제7절 추진 일정

제3장 보건의료자원 조사결과
제1절 지역별 보건의료시설 현황
1. 지역별 보건의료기관종별 분포 현황
2. 지역별 설립형태별 분포 현황
3. 지역별 진료과 분포
4. 지역별 병상분포
5. 지역별 인구대비 의료시설 분포
제2절 지역별 보건의료인력 현황
1. 지역별 보건의료 인력
2. 지역별 인구대비 보건의료인력
제3절 지역별 보건의료장비 현황
1. 지역별 고가의료장비 분포
2. 지역별 인구대비 고가의료장비 분포

제4장 주요 국가 간 보건의료자원 비교 분석
제1절 보건의료시설의 국제 비교
제2절 보건의료인력의 국제 비교
제3절 주요의료장비의 국제 비교

제5장 요약 및 정책 과제
제1절 요약
1. 지역별 보건의료시설현황
2. 지역별 보건의료인력 현황
3. 지역별 보건의료장비 현황
4. 주요 국가 간 보건의료자원 비교분석
제2절 정책 과제
1. 급성병상 및 장기요양병상에 대한 공급조절
2. 보건의료장비 적정공급을 위한 건강보험급여정책 변화
3. 보건의료인력의 지역 간 불균형 완화방안 모색

부 록
보고서 번호
연구보고서 2010-33
KIHASA 주제 분류
보건의료 > 보건의료 자원
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