
저출산ㆍ고령화시대 노동력 부족과 인력활용 방안 = Strategies for Workforce Utilization in Times of Low Fertility, Population Aging, and Labor Shortage

저출산ㆍ고령화시대 노동력 부족과 인력활용 방안 = Strategies for Workforce Utilization in Times of Low Fertility, Population Aging, and Labor Shortage

염지혜 ; 박종서 ; 이상림 ; 이민아

저출산고령화시대 ; 노동력 부족
◈ 관련 선행연구 결과 검토
◈ 여성노동력의 실태 분석
◈ 이주 노동자의 노동 실태 분석
◈ 외국의 여성 및 외국인 노동력 활용 정책 분석
◈ 여성 및 외국인 노동자의 노동시장 통합을 위한 정책방안 모색

This study defines women and retirees as sub-groups for workforce utilization in times of low fertility, population aging, and labor shortage. The purpose of this study is to predict how much labor shortage there will be in the near future, to examine needs for work among married women without jobs and how many women have gotten into labor market between 2004 and 2008, and to explore who wants to work again among retirees aged 45 and over. Furthermore, the study attempts to develop the strategies for workforce utilization responding to labor shortage. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, we conducted the survey and analyzed 2006 Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing(KLoSA) as well as the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study(KLIPS, 2004~2008). It is concluded that there exist various groups in needs for work among even married women without jobs by age, education and income level, and employment experience. Therefore, our government should support various women's groups by considering their characteristics. Second, public policies supporting women's employment have been more likely to target women with high education so far. However, if we do not want women with low education to repeatedly get into lower level of labor market, the government should develop education programs which enable those women to re-enter a certain level of jobs they want. Last, retirement dissatisfaction is the most important factor to make retirees want to work again. However, retirement dissatisfaction may be related to their self-esteem. So, government should support retirees by re-establishing their lives after retirement and enhancing their self-esteem. Then, they may want to work again to heighten the values of their lives. If we still need workforce in lobar market even after considering married women without jobs and retirees, then we suggest that immigrants should be one of the alternatives open to us.
제1장 서론
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적
제2절 연구 내용 및 연구방법
제2장 선행연구 검토
제1절 인구구조의 고령화와 경제적 위기
제2절 여성노동시장과 경력단절
제3절 은퇴자의 노동참여 의사
제3장 저출산 고령화에 따른 노동력 변화
제1절 한국 사회의 고령화 전망
제2절 노동력 부족 전망
제3절 요약
제4장 비취업 기혼여성의 취업욕구
제1절 과거 취업경험과 경력단절
제2절 비취업 기혼여성의 취업욕구
제3절 요약
제5장 비취업 여성의 취업과 정규직 진입
제1절 취업률과 정규직 진입 추세
제2절 비취업 여성의 취업과 정규직 진입
제3절 요약
제6장 은퇴자의 노동참여 의사
제1절 은퇴자의 일반적 특성
제2절 은퇴자의 노동참여 의사에 대한 심층분석
제3절 요약
제7장 결론 및 함의
보고서 번호
연구보고서 2010-30-14
KIHASA 주제 분류
소득보장 > 노동연계복지
인구와 가족 > 저출산대응
인구와 가족 > 고령화대응
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