
인공임신중절 실태와 정책과제 = Policy Issues on Abortion in Korea

인공임신중절 실태와 정책과제 = Policy Issues on Abortion in Korea

최정수 ; 원종욱 ; 채수미박은자 ; 서경

인공임신중절 ; 여성생식건강
◈ 가임기 여성생식건강의 의의 및 논점
◈ 선진국의 가임기 여성생식건강정책 동향
◈ 가임기 여성의 생식건강관리실태
◈ 가임기 여성생식건강정책의 방향과 사업우선순위

Background and Objectives of the Study

Induced abortion, generally detrimental to women's reproductive health, is one of the causes aggravating the problem of low fertility. Thus, it is important to estimate the development of incidence of the case and to see if current stringent restriction policy is in line with the efforts to promote women's reproductive health and fertility.
There has been constant rise in the number of unwed births related to relatively strict legal restriction. Several ways have been explored to help unmarried mothers achieve financial independence and a more proper child rearing.

Policy Suggestions

The current policy tends to remain highly restrictive to induced abortion, while enhancing monitoring of illegal abortion. On aspect of reducing possible side effect caused by legal restriction, reassessment of the current policy is necessary.
Though it is desirable to restrict induced abortion in respect of human life and in consideration of possible complications to mothers, it is also difficult to unqualifiedly put a stop to unplanned pregnancies. In this regard, it is necessary to review the possibility of granting a broad permission for induced abortion in the early stage of pregnancy while publicizing the dangers of physical complications associated with the abortion.

Based on the understanding of two features (1) premarital pregnancies, especially teenager pregnancies, can readily lead to harmful consequences of induced abortion, and (2) shift in conception toward dissociation of childbirth and nurturing with marriage,
A comprehensive measure is required to support those women during their pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing, which will increase fertility and raise population quality.

While the society is getting more open to sex, many are still failing in using proper contraception, and more and more teens are experiencing pregnancy and induced abortion. Thus it is important to put an effort on providing them a fine education concerning contraception.

Increasing number of women choose to have sex, get pregnant, give birth, and raise children out of wedlock. In a way of seeking improvement of fertility problem, stemming social prejudice and stigmatization against them and supporting them to become financially independent and raise the children more successfully.
제1장 서론
제1절 연구배경 및 목적
제2절 연구내용 및 방법

제2장 인공임신중절의 보건의학적 특성
제1절 인공임신중절의 정의와 분류
제2절 인공임신중절 방법 및 사후관리
제3절 인공임신중절에 따른 여성생식건강 문제

제3장 인공임신중절의 법적 제재 동향과 효과
제1절 인공임신중절의 법적 제재 동향
제2절 인공임신중절의 법적 제재 효과

제4장 임신 및 인공임신중절 실태
제1절 기혼여성의 임신 및 인공임신중절 실태
제2절 미혼여성의 임신 및 인공임신중절 실태

제5장 미혼여성의 출산?양육에 따른 부담과 사회적 지원 실태
제1절 미혼여성의 출산?양육에 따른 어려움과 사회적 지원 현황
제2절 미혼여성의 임신, 출산에 따른 고통과 경제적 기회상실에 대한 비용 추정

제6장 결론 및 정책 제언
제1절 연구결과 요약
제2절 인공임신중절 정책의 방향 및 추진전략

보고서 번호
연구보고서 2010-30-12
KIHASA 주제 분류
보건의료 > 보건의료 서비스
보건의료 > 건강증진
인구와 가족 > 저출산대응
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