
건강도시 건강영향평가 사업 및 기술 지원 제1권 = Health Impact Assessment and Capacity Building in Healthy Cities in Korea

건강도시 건강영향평가 사업 및 기술 지원 제1권 = Health Impact Assessment and Capacity Building in Healthy Cities in Korea

김동진 ; 강은정 ; 김지은 ; 이수형 ; 장원기 ; 김건엽 ; 고광욱

◈ 지역사회 수준에서 건강영향평가를 제도적 틀 안으로 도입할 수 있는 방안 마련
◈ 건강영향평가를 위한 역량강화를 통한 제도 정착 가속화

Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is a combination of a procedure, methods, and tools that make it possible to systematically assess the potential health impacts of a policy, a plan, or a program and their distribution in the population.
The purpose of HIA is to maximize the expecting positive health impacts and minimize the negative health impacts. The basic values that HIA pursues include democracy, equity, sustainable development, ethical usage of evidence, and comprehensive approach to health.
In 2010 project, we targeted Healthy Cities as the entry point of HIA implementation. Cities in general as well as Healthy Cities may affect more health determinants than the central government does. This means that local governments are responsible for policies, projects, or plans that may be subject to HIA and therefore implementing HIA at local governments including Healthy Cities can be effective.
Healthy Cities and HIA are the same in that both seek 'healthy public policy'. HIA in Healthy Cities can be a systematic framework that makes policy makers such as politicians and administrators consider the health and well-being of the residents when they are developing a policy, a program, or a project.
The purpose of the 2010 HIA project is twofold: implementing HIA in Healthy Cities and capacity building. The project was consisted of three areas to achieve these purposes: demonstration projects for implementing HIA in Healthy Cities, development of HIA guidelines and a training manual, and workshops for capacity building.
Ⅰ. 사업 개요
1. 사업의 필요성
2. 사업 내용 및 목적
3. 보고서 구성

Ⅱ. 건강도시 건강영향평가 시범사업
1. 시범사업의 절차
2. 시범사업의 내용 및 결과

Ⅲ. 건강영향평가 기술지원 사업
1. 건강영향평가 교육 자료 개발
2. 건강영향평가 분야별 지침서 개발
3. 건강영향평가연구회 운영결과

Ⅳ. 결론
1. 사업의 성과 및 제한점
2. 정책제언 및 향후 계획


부록 1. 건강영향평가 교육자료
부록 2. 주거 환경 개선에 관한 건강영향평가 지침서
부록 3. 교통관련계획에 관한 건강영향평가 지침서
보고서 번호
연구보고서 2010-32-1-1
KIHASA 주제 분류
보건의료 > 건강증진
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