
복지부문 읍면동 동네거버넌스 체계 분석과 정책 과제 = Analysis of neighborhood governance systems for social welfare: Implications for Eup, Myeon and Dong Areas in Korea

복지부문 읍면동 동네거버넌스 체계 분석과 정책 과제 = Analysis of neighborhood governance systems for social welfare: Implications for Eup, Myeon and Dong Areas in Korea

김회성(Kim, Hey-sung) ; 김진희 ; 오욱찬(Oh, Ukchan) ; 채현탁 ; 황정윤

Kim, Hey-sung ; Kim, JinHee ; Oh, Ukchan ; Chae, Hyuntak ; Hwang, Joungyoon
읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 ; 지역복지 ; 복지거버넌스 ; 주민참여
이 연구는 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체의 제도적·운영적 측면을 종합적으로 진단함으로써, 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체의 고유성과 지향성 설정과, 법제도적 차원에서 기능과 역할의 개편 방안, 그리고 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 운영 활성화를 위한 다각적인 정책 과제를 제시한다.

이를 위해 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체와 관련된 주요 이론적·개념적 논의를 고찰하고 주요 현황 및 핵심 쟁점을 논의했다. 또 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 구성원을 대상으로 한 실태조사를 토대로 운영 과정과 운영 성과, 발전 방향 등을 분석하고 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 운영 성과의 영향요인 분석 결과를 제시했다. 끝으로 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 재정립 방안 및 정책 지원 과제를 논의했다.

The purpose of this study is to build distinctive orientation of the community social welfare associations in eup, myeon, and dong areas (hereinafter referred to as CSWAs in EMD) and to suggest policy implications in order to facilitate their improved roles and activities, by comprehensively diagnosing the institutional and operational aspects of them.
At the institutional and operational level, the key issues in operating the CSWAs in EMD can be roughly divided into 5 categories: First, in legal and institutional context, there is no consensus on the roles of CSWA in EMD, i.e., either support for the local administrative body or an initiative for public-private partnership and community engagement. Second, it is not clear how local resident-led activities are incorporated in the partnership structure between the public and the private. Third, it is not certain what principles are to be emphasized in managing the member configuration of CSWAs in EMD, i.e., either procedural representativeness and legitimacy or practicality and inclusion. Fourth, in regard to the qualitative characteristics of CSWAs in EMD, there is an issue of how to promote creative and experimental services, rather than offering simple home cares. Lastly, there is a wide variety in different localities of the level of administrative and financial supports for CSWAs in EMD and their performances.
From the theoretical viewpoint of the welfare mix and the co-production of public policy, we set the key characteristic of CSWAs in EMD as “organized volunteering activities of local residents based on a public-private partnership to promote the community social welfare in eup, myeon and dong areas.” In order to highlight its characteristic, the normative orientation of CSWAs in EMD can be conceptualized in following aspects of deliberation, practicality, and impact: First, it is necessary to promote the public-private partnership and the community engagement by strengthening the deliberation process of decision-making. Second, encouraging the community participation in the volunteer activities is needed by planning creative and innovative services. Third, efforts are required to build an ecosystem for facilitating the local voluntary sector.
CSWAs in EMD can function properly when they move along the following elements: First, improvement should be made for administrative and financial supports, such as securing budgets and retaining staff members in CSWAs in EMD,and the roles and responsibilities of the officials in charge must be clarified. Second, cooperation and collaboration must be enhanced, by managing the inter-organizational network between CSWAs in EMD, and by facilitating the engagement and planning collaborative projects between CSWAs in city level and EMD level. Lastly, efforts are needed to strengthen the member competencies of CSWAs in EMD such as organized education, consultation, and training of leaders in the local community.
Abstract 1
요약 5

제1장 서론 13
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 15
제2절 연구의 내용 및 방법 18

제2장 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 이론적 고찰 및 운영 현황·쟁점 검토 23
제1절 동네거버넌스 관련 이론적 고찰 25
제2절 지역사회보장협의체 선행연구 검토 55
제3절 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 운영 현황 59
제4절 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 운영 쟁점 89

제3장 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 운영 및 성과 분석 99
제1절 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 실태조사 개요 101
제2절 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 운영 및 성과 실태 분석 107
제3절 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 운영 성과 인식의 영향 요인 분석 162

제4장 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 재정립 방안 및 지원 과제 175
제1절 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 재정립 방안 177
제2절 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 활성화 지원 과제 183

제5장 결론 203
제1절 주요 연구 결과 요약 205
제2절 정책 제언 217

참고문헌 221
부 록 235
〔부록 1〕 읍면동 지역사회보장협의체 실태조사 조사표 235
보고서 번호
연구보고서 2021-43
KIHASA 주제 분류
사회보장 일반 > 지역사회보장
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