
정신건강복지법 개정에 따른 입원적합성심사와 관련된 이해관계자의 경험 = Stakeholders’ Experiences Related to the Admission Review Committee After the Revision of Mental Health Welfare Act

정신건강복지법 개정에 따른 입원적합성심사와 관련된 이해관계자의 경험 = Stakeholders’ Experiences Related to the Admission Review Committee After the Revision of Mental Health Welfare Act

신소연 ; 조윤민 ; 윤난희 ; 황서은 ; 황종남 ; 최정원 ; 김잔디 ; 허종호 ; 이선구

Shin, Soyoun ; Cho, Yoon-Min ; Yoon, Nan-He ; Hwang, Seo Eun ; Hwang, Jongnam ; Choi, Jung Won ; Kim, Jandi ; Heo, Jongho ; Lee, Sun Goo
정신건강복지법 ; 입원적합성심사 ; 비자의입원 ; 정신질환자 ; 질적연구 ; Mental Health and Welfare Law ; Admission Review Committee ; Involuntary Admission ; People with Mental Illness ; Qualitative Research
보건사회연구 제41권 제2호, pp.259-277
2016년, 구 정신보건법이 「정신건강증진 및 정신질환자 복지서비스 지원에 관한 법률」로 개정되면서, 입원적합성심사위원회(이하 입적심) 제도가 신설되고 비자의입원 절차가 강화되었다. 본 연구는 입적심의 목표인 정신질환자의 인권증진 여부를 평가하기 위해 이해관계자들의 참여경험을 질적으로 분석하고, 향후 나아갈 방안을 모색하였다. 이에 전국 5개 국립정신병원에서 입적심과 관련된 총 27명의 전문의, 법조인, 정신건강전문요원, 가족, 당사자, 조사원, 정신질환자를 심층 면담하였다. 주제분석 결과, 4개의 주제와 16개의 하위주제가 도출되었다. 입적심 제도는 부당한 비자의입원 및 강압 이송행위에 대한 안전장치를 마련하여 인권을 향상시켰지만, 대면조사보다 서류심사가 주를 이루고 의사결정지원이 미흡하여 자기결정권이 제한된다는 한계를 드러냈다. 추후 자기결정권을 보장하기 위한 대면조사와 절차보조사업을 확충하고, 의료기관과 지역사회 서비스를 연결하는 협력시스템이 구축되어야 한다.

The revision of the “Mental Health Act” into the “Act on the Improvement of Mental Health and the Support for Welfare Services for Mental Patients” in 2016 led to the tightening of procedures for involuntary hospitalization through the implementation of the “Committee for Review as to Legitimacy of Admission” (hereinafter “Admission Review Committee”). This study evaluated whether the Admission Review Committee has achieved its goal to promote the human rights of people with a mental illness through qualitative analysis of stakeholder experiences. The evaluation is based on interviews with a total of 27 subcommittee members from all the five national psychiatric hospitals which have an Admission Review Committee in place. Those interviewed were psychiatrists, lawyers, mental health professionals, patients and their families, and investigators. As a result, a total of four categories and 16 themes emerged from the thematic analysis. Our study shows that the Admission Review Committee has promoted human rights by functioning as a minimum safeguard to prevent unjust involuntary hospitalization and forced transfer to psychiatric hospitals. However, insufficient procedural assistance has limited the right to self-determination, and the committee heavily relied on paper review rather than the face-to-face investigation with people with a mental illness. For a better supportive committee for the human rights of people with a mental illness, we suggest that the committee adopt the face-to-face review process, procedural assistance services, and a governance system closely connecting medical facilities with local communities.
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