children without parental care
; community-based care
; school-based care
Care services provided by local public schools are designed to look after children while their parents are away at work, but the rigid eligibility criteria and sheer shortages of available services leave many children vulnerable to the lack of care. Our survey reveals that 30.7 percent of respondents struggle with the lack of afternoon care during the week. That figure rises to 39.7 percent among respondents from households with both parents working. The existing childcare service structure is limited in a number of ways to provide effective and adequate childcare in response to the demand. Childcare policy for schoolchildren ought to strive to provide universal care so as to protect and uphold children’s right to care. Therefore, limits on eligibility should be removed to greatest extent possible, and the number, scope, and diversity of available services should be maximized.
Ⅰ. Introduction 1
Ⅱ. Public Childcare Support for Schoolchildren in Korea 11 1. Elementary School Care Program (ESCP) 13 2. Community Child Centers (CCCs) 16 3. Community-Based Childcare Program (CBCP) 19 4. Implications 23
Ⅲ. Use of Childcare Services for Schoolchildren 27 1. General 29 2. Use of Childcare Services 32