The purpose of this study is to establish a convergence and linkage system that can bridge the gap between health welfare policy and technology, assuming that new technology is a means to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of health welfare policy. Big data analysis is used as a basis for establishing evidence-based policies in the process of establishing health and welfare policies, and new technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) can greatly increase their utility value when combined with big data. This study is a mid-term task for three years. In this year, the first year, we will derive welfare demands that people can feel based on big data and present the current state and direction of new technology application.
Ⅰ. Introduction 1
Ⅱ. Surveys on the Perceived Need for the Convergence of Health and Welfare Policy and Technology 7 1. Overview 9 2. Findings 11
Ⅲ. Social Big Data Analysis 15 1. Data Collection: Overview 17 2. Results 19
Ⅳ. Comparison of Survey and Social Big Data Analysis Results 25