Evaluation, Policy Issues and Strategies Regarding Welfare Polices for Older Persons
Evaluation, Policy Issues and Strategies Regarding Welfare Polices for Older Persons
Chung, Kyunghee
Welfare policy programs for the elderly
; Sufficiency
; Adequacy
; Equity
Paying attention to the ripple effects of population aging on our whole society has improved Korea’s ability to cope with the downsides since the early 2000s. Now, if we can pay attention to quality of life and related issues for elderly members of our society, we will further strengthen the sustainability and overall wellbeing of that society. Mindful of this potential, this study seeks to assess the welfare policy programs for the elderly concerning diverse aspects of life from the perspective of the elderly themselves, and explore ways to improve these programs.
Ⅰ. Introduction 1 1. Research Background & Purpose 3 2. Research Structure & Method 3 3. Framework & Scope of Assessment 5 Ⅱ. Old-Age Income Security Policy 9 1. Policy Scope 11 2. Current Status & Assessment 13 Ⅲ. Old-Age Health Support Policy 25 1. Policy Overview 27 2. Current Status & Assessment 28 Ⅳ. Elder Care & Protection Policy 45 1. Policy Overview 47 2. Current Status & Assessment 48 V. Old-Age Employment Support Policy 67 1. Policy Overview 69 2. Current Status & Assessment 72 Ⅵ. Old-Age Leisure Support Policy 85 1. Policy Overview 87 2. Policy Assessment 93 Ⅶ. Conclusion 105 1. Assessment Overview 107 2. Policy Tasks 124 Bibliography 129