Dementia is one of the highest-priority healthcare issues not only in Korea but around the world as well. As the aging of the Korean population is progressing rapidly, the number and proportion of dementia patients are expected to increase as well, as are the social and economic costs of treating and caring for these patients. The medical cost per capita for patients aged 70 and older over the next 10 years is expected to amount to KRW 80 million covered by the NHI and KRW 16 million in the form of co-payments. These figures do not include the costs of services and care not covered by the NHI or LTCIS. Including the costs of such non-covered services would increase the medical costs even more dramatically. Policy efforts and resources should also be invested in ensuring that no class differences exist in reducing the preventable risk factors of dementia.
Ⅰ. Introduction 1 Ⅱ. The previous studies 9 Ⅲ. Distribution of Dementia Patients 17 Ⅳ. Estimating the Lifetime Cost of Dementia 31 A. Model Framework 34 B. Transition Matrix of LTCIS Eligibility Grades 36 C. Mortality Estimates 37 D. Unit Medical Cost Estimates 39 E. Cohort Transition Process 42 Ⅴ. Expected Effects of Dementia Prevention Efforts 49 Ⅵ. Conclusion 57 Bibliography 63