
발달장애인 복지전달체계 구축방안 연구 = A study on development plan of welfare delivery system for people with developmental disabilities

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dc.description.abstract한국 사회의 가족 형태가 변하고 있다. 과거의 전통적인 가족 유형만으로는 가족을 설명하고 이해하는 데 한계가 있으며, 다양한 가족에 대한 인식적·정책적 수용 욕구도 함께 높아지고 있다. 정부 역시 「제3차 저출산·고령사회기본계획(2016~2020)」에서 ‘다양한 가족에 대한 포용성 제고’를 정책 과제로 제시하면서 우리 사회의 다양한 가족이 안정된 가족생활을 영위할 수 있는 사회적 환경 조성을 강조하고 있다. 본 연구는 가족과 관련된 제도 및 정책들이 변화하는 가족의 모습을 반영하고 있는가에 대한 문제 제기를 기초로 소득·건강·주거 영역, 임신·출산 및 양육 영역의 제도와 정책들을 분석하였다. 또한, 일반 국민들의 가족에 대한 인식, 특히 다양한 가족에 대한 수용 정도를 살펴보았다. 이를 바탕으로 다양한 가족을 사회·제도·문화적으로 수용하기 위한 시사점을 제시하였다.
dc.description.abstractLike social welfare delivery system, welfare delivery system for people with disabilities also involves segmented and fragmented systems which makes the use of service difficult for people with disabilities. In addition, there are limitations in providing customized service fit for users needs because of lack of linkage between different service delivery systems. To overcome these limitations existing at traditional welfare delivery system for people with disabilities as a whole, there had been enthusiastic discussions on efforts to improve welfare delivery system for people with disabilities from 2008 to 2011. As a result of the efforts, an amended welfare delivery system dedicated for people with disabilities was developed, and pilot projects were carried out three times. However, the project could not be extended to countrywide due to redundancy issue with other policy of amendment of entire social welfare delivery system (hope welfare support team), lack of government's understanding for 'service support system model for people with disabilities' and financial problem. In the meanwhile, the issue regarding welfare delivery system for people with disabilities is being paid attention again as an importance of delivery system has emerged in terms of the role of connecting the users' desire and services as an alternative of amendment of disability rating system that has been discussed since 2013. At this point, "The Act on the Protection of Rights and Support for people with disabilities" was enacted in 2014. According to this act, each of 17 metropolitan autonomous agencies has implemented their own welfare delivery system for people with developmental disabilities. In this process, however, political discussions on establishment of relationship between future delivery system customized for the disabled people and regional support center for people with developmental disabilities, and role and function of regional support center for people with developmental disabilities were not sufficiently carried out. To cope with this situation, this study aimed at exploring the process how an existing entire social welfare delivery system was amended, and investigating the current status, the change and the controversial issue that might happen in the process of altering from disability rating system to future customized support system. Based on these investigations, this study also aimed at seeking political measures necessary to set the direction where the future support system should go and to find desired relationship between customized support system and regional support center for people with developmental disabilities under this circumstance. Futhermore, this study also attempted to consider the desired function and the role of the regional support center for people having developmental disabilities based on the relationship between customized support system and regional support center for people with developmental disabilities.
dc.description.tableOfContentsAbstract 1 요 약 5 제1장 서론 11 제1절 연구 배경 및 목적 13 제2절 연구 내용 및 방법 14 제2장 선행연구 및 전달체계 개편 사항 검토 17 제1절 일반적 복지전달체계 현황 및 변화 19 제2절 장애인복지 전달체계 현황 및 변화 33 제3절 맞춤형지원체계의 개요 및 개편 과정 45 제3장 발달장애인지원체계 현황 및 주요 쟁점 65 제1절 중앙 및 지역발달장애인지원센터 현황 67 제2절 지역발달장애인지원센터 여건 분석 89 제3절 주요 쟁점 및 세부 이슈 111 제4장 해외 사례 분석 및 시사점 121 제1절 독일의 발달장애인 지원체계 123 제2절 프랑스의 발달장애인 지원체계 155 제3절 미국의 발달장애인 지원체계 185 제4절 해외 사례 시사점 210 제5장 결론 및 정책 제언 215 제1절 맞춤형지원체계의 전체 모습 217 제2절 발달장애인 전달체계 구축 시 고려 사항 227 제3절 향후 지역발달장애인지원센터 모형 230 참고문헌 247 부 록 259
dc.publisherKorea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Korea (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 KR)
dc.rightsKOGL BY-NC-ND
dc.title발달장애인 복지전달체계 구축방안 연구
dc.title.alternativeA study on development plan of welfare delivery system for people with developmental disabilities
dc.subject.keyword맞춤형서비스 시범사업
dc.identifier.localId연구보고서 2017-45
dc.identifier.localIdResearch Monographs 2017-45
dc.subject.kihasa장애인 복지
KIHASA 주제 분류
사회서비스 > 장애인 복지
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